You could call it a form of blackmail but was it not just a precursor to what a grexit would look like? The EU wasn't interested in negotiating, it was in or out & the new government blinked. They should have left the EU currency. They would get their debt relief as they would default on everything like Iceland. It would have been best for both parties & maybe it would help disband the abomination called the euro. The greeks [at least their government & probably half the country] were gutless.
Get off the tit.
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The Greek Coup: Liquidity As A Weapon Of Coercion
You could call it a form of blackmail but was it not just a precursor to what a grexit would look like? The EU wasn't interested in negotiating, it was in or out & the new government blinked. They should have left the EU currency. They would get their debt relief as they would default on everything like Iceland. It would have been best for both parties & maybe it would help disband the abomination called the euro. The greeks [at least their government & probably half the country] were gutless. Get off the tit.