Erik Van Lennep - Comments

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The Bankruptcy Of The Planet Accelerates – 24 Nations Are Currently Facing A Debt Crisis
8 years ago

Seems like most of the comments are actually missing the point. The global economy, and that includes the subsystems of communism and capitalism, is based upon creating debt and then exchanging the obligation to repay it as symbolized by currency. In other words, money is based not on value, but on it's reverse: debt. So when an entire planet is pushing to maximise the returns and rewards of such a system, everything just drives debt creation harder. Therefore, the situation we now see rolling around the world is testimony to the success of a system designed to create ever increasing debt. It works beautifully. The problem is that it's killing us and everything else. We need to rapidly change how we understand and create true value, and build a new economic system that is based upon that. A total rethink and reboot. This should start with clearing the books of all debt obligations. It won't be a smooth transition, and many vested interests will fight it, but unless we pull ourselves out of the fantasy we've built and start to recreate, regenerate and rethink value and how to exchange that instead of debt (=promised loss), the only way forward is down.

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