Global equity portfolio management, quantitative analysis, and strategy formulation & implementation. Manage all aspects of a $123B global equity portfolio. Leverage understanding of complex financial products and hedging strategies to structure investments, achieving return objectives and meeting ...
Global equity portfolio management, quantitative analysis, and strategy formulation & implementation. Manage all aspects of a $123B global equity portfolio. Leverage understanding of complex financial products and hedging strategies to structure investments, achieving return objectives and meeting risk budgets.
Drive process improvements and motivate cross-functional teams. Enhance the executive decision-making process pertinent to a complex, multi asset class investment program.
Specialties: Investment Strategy Development & Launch
Organizational Restructuring & Integration
High-Profile Management Presentations
Client Collaboration & Leadership Skills
Employee Development & Mentoring
Economic & Financial Market Analysis
Market Opportunity Identification
Equity Portfolio Management
Risk Monitoring & Mitigation
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