David Lovett - Comments

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Where Driverless Cars Will Take Us
8 years ago

Yeah, it's a nice thought experiment. But I still haven't read how ethics will be handled. ie whose ethics will be programmed into the car? Or are technologists comfortable with the AI developing its own ethics? What will the car do if it has to choose to between hitting an animal or getting into an accident? What if it's a person?

How does it do in inclement weather? I live in Michigan. We are getting between 8-10 inches of snow today. Am I suppose to believe an electric, driverless, car is guaranteed to handle this scenario?

Who is responsible when something goes wrong? The manufacturer? software company? Infrastructure? Or are we to believe nothing will ever go wrong?

And don't think the bad guys won't try to game the system either. Easy car jacking if you ask me. One person stands in front of the car while the other does the jacking. Even if the car is programmed to recognize something is wrong and send out alerts, the bad guys will know this and exactly how much time they have before help arrives.

On a final note, the comparison between electric cars and horses with buggies is all wrong. Automobiles replaced the mode of transportation (horse and buggy) but NOT the driver. Electric automobiles do the opposite. They do NOT replace the mode of transportation but DO replace the driver! Big difference.

I know people are all excited about it. I am excited about the prospects. But there are some major hurdles to overcome before we see critical mass. And I think it will take longer than 5 years.

In this article: TSLA
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