I fear your figures for drilling depths are incorrect. Given that the earth's crust is between 30 to 50 km thick drilling down to 3,000 or even 5,000 kilometers is, in my opinion, stretching things just a wee bit. :-) It should read either 3 kilometers or 3,000 meters. Otherwise an interesting article.
I read the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with interest and noted nothing was mentioned about controlling population growth. Without some form of PC (Population Control) as opposed to that other awful PC: Political Correctness, all of humanity is doomed. This planet and its resources are finite, however, humanities ability to destroy itself through it's idiocy, is not.
I, for one, have no wish to carry on regardless but this agenda 2030 is also doomed to fail because the world's "leaders" do not posses the requisite, ovoid, hairy appendages between their legs.
What we need is for governments around the world to ban all but electric vehicles from major cities (to reduce the pollution). If Tesla do make good on their intention to produce 500k cars and Uber likewise buys them, I think you will see an unstoppable force (for the good) and politicians will have little choice but to review their decisions to ban Uber.
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Gold Production On The Cusp Of Peaking
I fear your figures for drilling depths are incorrect. Given that the earth's crust is between 30 to 50 km thick drilling down to 3,000 or even 5,000 kilometers is, in my opinion, stretching things just a wee bit. :-) It should read either 3 kilometers or 3,000 meters. Otherwise an interesting article.
The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope
I read the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with interest and noted nothing was mentioned about controlling population growth. Without some form of PC (Population Control) as opposed to that other awful PC: Political Correctness, all of humanity is doomed. This planet and its resources are finite, however, humanities ability to destroy itself through it's idiocy, is not.
I, for one, have no wish to carry on regardless but this agenda 2030 is also doomed to fail because the world's "leaders" do not posses the requisite, ovoid, hairy appendages between their legs.
A very good article non the less.
Jackson Hole – Meeting Of The Physics Envy Brigade
Excellent article and well written. What a shame the "expert economists" don't understand the logic.
"UberCab" Vs. Al Gore's $90 Trillion Plan To Rid World Of Cars: Uber CEO Asks Tesla For 500,000 Autonomous Cars In 2020; Peak Cars?
What we need is for governments around the world to ban all but electric vehicles from major cities (to reduce the pollution). If Tesla do make good on their intention to produce 500k cars and Uber likewise buys them, I think you will see an unstoppable force (for the good) and politicians will have little choice but to review their decisions to ban Uber.