Corey Gaber - Comments

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Nasdaq Reaches 15 Year High Is It Safe To Invest Now?
10 years ago

I agree but so are the markets at these levels. I'd rather buy 300k shares at.02 than $6k on Disney, Costco, ect. It's just too high for now.

In this video: QQQ, QLD, NDX, CYBR, PANW
Nasdaq Reaches 15 Year High Is It Safe To Invest Now?
10 years ago

With the exception of some long plays, I'll stay away for now. I'd rather deal small caps and penny stocks now...

In this video: QQQ, QLD, NDX, CYBR, PANW
Carson Block Smiles As Chinese Stock On Way To Zero
10 years ago

It's just a matter of time...

Gilead’s Hep C Drug Receives Approval In Japan - Analyst Reactions
10 years ago

This stock is so confused these days.. it will go down.

In this article: GILD, MDVN, GALE
Biogen’s Alzheimer’s Drug Shows Promising Test Results - What Analysts Think
10 years ago

Take profit off when there is a good news, BIIB is falling like a rock and will continue due to bio sell off

In this article: BIIB
How I Would Vote In Israel
10 years ago

This is an inaccurate statement: "But after my own country's politics were disrupted by an unprecedented Israeli intervention I feel I have the right to retaliate."

Why would you say that? Netanyahu was invited to Congress to speak in defense of his country. And he did not accept the invitation until after he called the White House. On the contrary, he is the victim of politics between Congress and Obama, and Obama's own personal dislike of Bibi. In fact, Obama has sent his own advisors and spent $350,000 dollars of US tax payer dollars to try to disrupt the Israeli elections and get Bibi ousted. There is now an investigation about this and both Democratic and Republican sides of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations have signed off on the probe, which shows it is not just a political plow:

Apple Market Call - March 14
10 years ago

I take it you are super long on Apple Ernie? Gotta love Apple.

In this video: AAPL, SPY
The Seal Is Broken: DB Is The First Major Bank To Predict Drop In 2015 S&P500 EPS
10 years ago

Already safely short too.

In this article: SPY, DB, BNO, DBO, UUP
Why The Price Of Oil Is More Likely To Fall To 20 Rather Than Rise To 80
10 years ago

Lol, THAT would be the day. Here's hoping!

In this article: OIL, USO
Investors Are Expecting Great Results Today From This Key GoPro Supplier
10 years ago

$AMBA, unlike $GPRO had a very strong 5D. Also Gpro needs amba not the other way around.

In this article: GPRO, AMBA
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