I'm in Greece right now on holiday. Judging by the number of people sleeping rough on the streets and begging, that welfare state thing doesn't seem too generous. If this is what the rolled gold welfare state looks like, God I'd hate to see the laize fair capitalist version thrust on it.
If you have spare capacity in your economy (e.g. unemployed) you can utilise them "for free" by printing money. It doesn't have to cause inflation, because there is spare capacity, and by utilising them you not only increase the money supply,you increase the available goods and services simulataneously. Of course you need your own currency to do it.
This article is rather bereft of deep thought. If Greece turned really socialist and put those 25% of unemployed people to work building / making useful things, there'd be more cake for everyone to eat. Didn't think of that did you huh? Did ya?
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The Simple Math Behind Greece’s Complicated Situation
interesting numbers. where does this analysis leave the other PIIGS?
Running Out Of Cake: Greek Crisis Reveals Consequences Of Socialism
I'm in Greece right now on holiday. Judging by the number of people sleeping rough on the streets and begging, that welfare state thing doesn't seem too generous. If this is what the rolled gold welfare state looks like, God I'd hate to see the laize fair capitalist version thrust on it.
Running Out Of Cake: Greek Crisis Reveals Consequences Of Socialism
If you have spare capacity in your economy (e.g. unemployed) you can utilise them "for free" by printing money. It doesn't have to cause inflation, because there is spare capacity, and by utilising them you not only increase the money supply,you increase the available goods and services simulataneously. Of course you need your own currency to do it.
Running Out Of Cake: Greek Crisis Reveals Consequences Of Socialism
This article is rather bereft of deep thought. If Greece turned really socialist and put those 25% of unemployed people to work building / making useful things, there'd be more cake for everyone to eat. Didn't think of that did you huh? Did ya?