Currently working as the Outreach Coordinator for and Ohio STAR voting. This involves non-partisan cooperation with state and local groups and governments to increase voter turnout and political satisfaction by improving the ability of voting systems to reflect broad voter intent. ...
Currently working as the Outreach Coordinator for and Ohio STAR voting. This involves non-partisan cooperation with state and local groups and governments to increase voter turnout and political satisfaction by improving the ability of voting systems to reflect broad voter intent.
Completed board service at STRS Ohio in 2021 after 12 years. Won a state-wide election to help the board save the pension fund and the health care fund from insolvency after the Global Economic Downturn. This required three rounds of formulating actuarially responsible legislation that could also be passed by a politically divided and hesitant Ohio General Assembly. I served three terms as board chair and 3 terms as vice-chair and chairman-elect. Service also included multiple terms as chair of the board's investment and audit committees as well as chair of every other major board committee. Also was chair of the special committee that created the first integrated funding policy, the special HR committees to hire the ED as well as three deputy EDs, and leadership roles in several board committees to hire investment, audit, and investment advisors. Also, chaired committees to create policy to solve or avoid a host of specific problems. When I left the board the pension fund was ~85% funded. The healthcare fund, which has no source of funding other than investments of current assets, was ~160% funded with policies and an actuarial projection to provide a meaningful retirement healthcare subsidy for future retired educators who have not yet been born.
STRS Ohio is one of the largest public pension systems in the US. Third party evaluators routinely rank STRS Ohio #1 globally in member service and it has not ranked below #3 in the past 25 years.
STRS Ohio manages over 70% of its ~$90 B portfolio internally. It is one of the very few pension systems that meet Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). 10-year investment returns are in the top quartile of its CEM peer group.
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