Anne has been working with writing-challenged clients for over five years now. She offers ghostwriting, ghost editing, coaching, and SEO writing for businesses that want to see their sites at the helm of Google SERPs. Her education background in communications and public relations has given her a ...
Anne has been working with writing-challenged clients for over five years now. She offers ghostwriting, ghost editing, coaching, and SEO writing for businesses that want to see their sites at the helm of Google SERPs. Her education background in communications and public relations has given her a concrete base from which to approach different topics in various niches. Her writing skills can be confirmed on, where she is a top-rated freelance writer. She especially enjoys writing website and blog content for startups and e-commerce businesses.
Latest Comments
Will Skilled Hands-On Labor Finally Become More Valuable?
Great as always, Charles.
Is Steve Bannon Doing China A Big Favor?
I just saw this on the homepage of CNN. Exciting and welcome news. In only four short years, Trump and his cronies have managed to nearly destroy this country with their divisiveness and hate as well as their borderline illegal activities.
NYC Is Dead Forever… Here’s Why
Agreed. I for one have Zoom fatigue and have found it kind of depressing working home, alone all the time. I miss the social interaction, the office gossip, the pushing each other (or competing with each other) to do more. Unless I have a Zoom, I don't even bother getting dressed or putting on makeup any more. What seemed like a nice break at first, is now dragging on. I want offices to reopen.
The Riches Of This Land
Worth listening to this podcast.
Vivoo, The Startup That Takes Your Urine And Gives You Personalized Health Advice
@[Miray Tayfun](user:130396), this is a good question. I certainly would have been more comfortable. Do you have a good answer?
Four Changes Resulting From The Pandemic That Will Stick
Distance learning definitely hasn't worked. But one thing I noticed which surprised me is that many of my friend parents who turned to home schooling found their children did much better than in school. There could be a shift to more homeschooling as a result.
Predictions Of The Dollar's Demise Are Likely Premature
I remember reading that Facebook was going to create a stable coin called Libra. But I don't think they ended up doing it. Do any stable coins actually exist? I'm not sure.
Interview With Sunu - The Startup That's Enabling The Visually Impaired
@[Fernando Albertorio](user:129460), this is such a wonderful concept. I'd love to hear about how your company has progressed.
Ranked: The Best And Worst Pension Plans, By Country
Doesn't surprise me.
Changing The Way We Fight Covid-19
I read a report that said most people are infected at home, presumably by their kids who were out and about at school/camp or with friends while parents are staying and working from home.