Greece national debt exposure by then with the recent bail-out and possible IMF loans to a tune of $86B will reach to an eye watering $500B in total not to mention another $500B or so in commercial credit extended to Greece firms from EU and foreign suppliers. Greece has become too big to fail already. Who knows it is part of Greece strategy to accumulate so much debts to force creditors to a big haircut, a debt cut, say 30% to make long term payments viable, is a free money for Greece. Greece is a welfare state of the world.
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Could The Greek Government Collapse This Weekend?
Greece national debt exposure by then with the recent bail-out and possible IMF loans to a tune of $86B will reach to an eye watering $500B in total not to mention another $500B or so in commercial credit extended to Greece firms from EU and foreign suppliers. Greece has become too big to fail already. Who knows it is part of Greece strategy to accumulate so much debts to force creditors to a big haircut, a debt cut, say 30% to make long term payments viable, is a free money for Greece. Greece is a welfare state of the world.