You are right David. People have begun to throw around these words too easily and they become watered down and meaningless. No one else has committed mass murder to the extend of the Holocaust and by comparing people to him is a disservice to all those who died.
When people compared the immigrant holding centers to concentration camps, it made me sick. They were practically club med by comparison.
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Thanks Danny, never heard of Slinger Bag before but definitely sounds like a buying opportunity. How high do you think it could go?
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Taking the money and running sounds like good advice to me! $PEGI
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Good stuff, Gary.
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Yes, that is fair to say.
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You are right David. People have begun to throw around these words too easily and they become watered down and meaningless. No one else has committed mass murder to the extend of the Holocaust and by comparing people to him is a disservice to all those who died.
When people compared the immigrant holding centers to concentration camps, it made me sick. They were practically club med by comparison.
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No revolution. Dilution by diversification.
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