The potential of damage with a single truck is much less than with a pipeline breach. But I don't think that's the chief objection of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
"The amount of energy required to produce bitumen has been a hot topic for many years. Some argue that these projects are a poor way to use energy, because the energy return on energy invested (EROEI) is ~ 3:1 (which would mean it takes 1 BTU of energy input to produce 3 BTUs of bitumen output)."
The specific bitumen in question requires different approval process.
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The potential of damage with a single truck is much less than with a pipeline breach. But I don't think that's the chief objection of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
"The amount of energy required to produce bitumen has been a hot topic for many years. Some argue that these projects are a poor way to use energy, because the energy return on energy invested (EROEI) is ~ 3:1 (which would mean it takes 1 BTU of energy input to produce 3 BTUs of bitumen output)."
The specific bitumen in question requires different approval process.