You hit the nail right on the head Gary. We will do better when we assume responsibility as a nation and as people. As long as we have affirmative action and do not treat everyone equally based on merit and not on some entitlement issues some think they deserve, we'll never do better!
Gary, feel free to ask other Americans that live outside of the USA whether or not I'm exaggerating. They'll beg to differ. Many I know personally do not want to ever come back. Besides, I have provided references, one in particular mentioned major waiting lines for US or former US citizens to get residency and citizenship in Switzerland.
One of the biggest issues that concerns me about the US currently are invaders from 3rd world countries both legal and illegal, most of course uneducated as Gary points out. I guess we'll have to see what happens!
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US Consumer Spending Flashes An Alarming Call To Action
You hit the nail right on the head Gary. We will do better when we assume responsibility as a nation and as people. As long as we have affirmative action and do not treat everyone equally based on merit and not on some entitlement issues some think they deserve, we'll never do better!
US Consumer Spending Flashes An Alarming Call To Action
You can't educate anyone against their will. Education is a cultural thing. Not all the world and cultures feel the same about education.
US Consumer Spending Flashes An Alarming Call To Action
Gary, feel free to ask other Americans that live outside of the USA whether or not I'm exaggerating. They'll beg to differ. Many I know personally do not want to ever come back. Besides, I have provided references, one in particular mentioned major waiting lines for US or former US citizens to get residency and citizenship in Switzerland. One of the biggest issues that concerns me about the US currently are invaders from 3rd world countries both legal and illegal, most of course uneducated as Gary points out. I guess we'll have to see what happens!