I love writing... everything from short stories, to poetry to articles and blog posts. I'm even working on a historical novel. I'm interested in finance, fashion, business and more.
I love writing... everything from short stories, to poetry to articles and blog posts. I'm even working on a historical novel. I'm interested in finance, fashion, business and more.
Latest Comments
Death, Economics And Coronavirus
But are antibody tests any more reliable?
Four Changes Resulting From The Pandemic That Will Stick
Great article, and I agree with much of what you wrote but believe you are wrong about education. Numerous studies have shown that a small classroom size with a low student per teacher ratio do best. Children are not one size fits all and can easily be lost in the crowd with a large class. Many need individualized attention.
Death, Economics And Coronavirus
I think infections are likely far higher than we realize. We now there is a very high error rate with these tests. Alyssa Milano just came out with this whole thing where the should she was going to die she was so sick, but even though she had the most common COVID-19 symptoms, her test came back negative. But now she was tested for anti-bodies and does have them! So she did have it all along. If we are testing a million per day, I wonder how many are coming back negative, when they aren't.
There’s A Far Simpler Way To Help Struggling Americans Than The Convoluted CARES Act And PPP
" Now Congress has let supplemental unemployment benefits lapse, and that will subtract $72 billion each month from household income—and even that was not enough."
America has spent trillions to help its citizens economically. And they are still suffering. What are other poorer countries doing to help it's citizens. How can they even come close to helping at this level?
Interview With 70 Million Jobs - The First For-Profit Employment Platform For Formerly Incarcerated
@[Richard Bronson](user:128808) it's wonderful when the work you do, can actually help others. Were you happy with the crowdfunding campaign raise? Has the additional capital been able to grow your business?
Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
Good article, but that headline is a mouthful. I think you would have gotten far more clicks with something more easily digestible/catchy.
The COVID-19 Economy: What Can We Do?
This really is what the issue boils down to. I believe that if people socially distanced and work masks, it would be pretty safe to go to work in most industries, especially if part of the work force could alternate working from home. But what to do with the kids?
Long distance learning doesn't really work for most, and for those that it does, someone still needs to be at home with the children. And it doesn't work at all for very young children. But classrooms are not set up for social distancing and kids really can't be trusted to socially distance. So what can we do? Schools need to be open and yet are probably hot beds of infection.
2017 Investment Review And Outlook
Thanks for the blog link!
Pharma Stocks Pullback Again, Keep Them On The Radar
I don't really understand how some friends are buying up pharma stocks right now in hopes that one may get a vaccine or effective COVID-19 treatment. Sure, if one is successful, it will skyrocket. But the others that fail will plummet. And the winner could easily end up being a foreign company.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
This is written by an expert in propaganda and communications, not infectious disease (and published on a Russian site)! What do I care about his opinion on COVID-19. Send me an article by a respected expert in infectious diseases and I'll take a look.