Have you read the articles on the cause of gas prices by your fellow contributor Robert Rapier? He seems to have a keen understanding of the cause, and most of it is out of Biden's hands. I highly recommend reading some: Robert Rapier on Talkmarkets
He's no fan of Biden, but offers some exellent insight into the causes of oil pricing. And some of that is out of Biden's hands. Besides, high has prices is a global problem right now. It's not only in the US.
Latest Comments
Gain Therapeutics: Reasons For Optimism
I agree, $GANX has tremendous potential.
The Semantics Of A Recession
Great read, thank you.
Falling Commodity Prices Could Signal Falling Liquidity
Good read, highly recommended.
Needs To Be Said
Have you read the articles on the cause of gas prices by your fellow contributor Robert Rapier? He seems to have a keen understanding of the cause, and most of it is out of Biden's hands. I highly recommend reading some: Robert Rapier on Talkmarkets
This article was particularly good: Revisiting The Blame For High Gas Prices
I'm curious to know what you think.
Did Oil Prices Start Rising When Biden Started His War On Fossil Fuels
Not sure I agree with all that you said. This oil expert offers some great insight: Robert Rapier on Talkmarkets.
He's no fan of Biden, but offers some exellent insight into the causes of oil pricing. And some of that is out of Biden's hands. Besides, high has prices is a global problem right now. It's not only in the US.
The Fed's Hawkish Pressure Is Working Against Inflation
You've captured the situation exaclty.
Revisiting The Blame For High Gas Prices
Probbly the best explanation I've read to date, on why oil prices are so high. Still very relevant today.
The Coming Rise In Money Velocity
Excellent read!
The S&P 500: Like A Yo-Yo
The volatility has been driving me to an early grave.
Arqlite: The ESG Startup That Is Revolutionizing Construction Through Recycling
I love that you get paid on both ends. Great idea.