the bank interest from funding and loans has it own killing effect on all after few years the loan amount doubles and then the next few years it goes on by 4 times so there is no escape from debt - if the ihere is international funds without interest and only take food product back and give to other needed counry as loan and take back what is there and this will solve all problem - interest kills you know how it saves a man going for suicide because of debt but kills him on interest burden - the policy of world bank and IMF has to be changes to non profitable and aided constorium not money making killer banks
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the bank interest from funding and loans has it own killing effect on all after few years the loan amount doubles and then the next few years it goes on by 4 times so there is no escape from debt - if the ihere is international funds without interest and only take food product back and give to other needed counry as loan and take back what is there and this will solve all problem - interest kills you know how it saves a man going for suicide because of debt but kills him on interest burden - the policy of world bank and IMF has to be changes to non profitable and aided constorium not money making killer banks