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Merkel's Own Party Ready To Give Up On Greece; Another Week Of Deadlines; Reflections On Can Kicking
9 years ago

Pesch, read your qwn words, you used NEED, that's the mistake. Is not abnout your (germans) needs, is about all europe. But at the moment the ones who are taking more advantages from eur currency are germans, improving your exports. Would be great that Greece. Portugal, Spain and Italy leave eur, will see how you mark is not competitive for your exports. What german politicians didn't understand (well they know but dont like the idea) is that all europe has to take profits from the union but right now each country is doing what they can for their own country instead of common profits, and germany the one that has more power not allowing Europe to grow together. After a currency union we should do politic union, well we should have done both together, just like USA one president for europe and each state with their own laws. But of course Germany dont like the idea that someone out of german been leading europe. As I always said in the german politics objective is the europe domination because still they think they are better than others and only them deserve to rule the world. Dont take me bad, is just a few % of germans with this thinking, just the german big boys, most of the people learnt the lesson of the past. But the few ones that never admit they are wrong keep trying to do what is not possible, domination of europe. So best think can happen is everyone leaving eur currency until we do a politic union. Would bundesbank agree with me? :)))) I guess no :)))))

In this article: GREK
Financial Predators And Parasites Want To Live, Regardless Of The Cost
9 years ago

Bitcoin is the solution for the rotten central banks system. Leave them naked and they will kill each other until only one stay alive but alone :))

Merkel's Own Party Ready To Give Up On Greece; Another Week Of Deadlines; Reflections On Can Kicking
9 years ago

No one has to pay if they declare bankrupt ;)

Just banks were speculating and they lost :D

In this article: GREK
Merkel's Own Party Ready To Give Up On Greece; Another Week Of Deadlines; Reflections On Can Kicking
9 years ago

100% agree with John Paval, and could add, hope Greece leave EUR and Spain and Portugal and finally Italy not paying their debts because they can declare bankrupt, so in the rules made by those "international creditors" if you get bankrupt you don't have to pay the bill ;). Well except banks the ones who took the money from TROIKA to be saved, at least in Spain. Banks have been playing russian roulette but when they lose they change the rules and get saved (WITH OUR MONEY), just the opposite happening with working class who have to hold them alive with their own money while those vultures are taking out their houses because can't pay their mortgages, here in Spain probably is worse, banks take your house and you still have to pay the mortgage. BIGGEST SCAM IN THE HISTORY. And we have to remember that IMF at least for the last 10 years didn't got a right advice, just the opposite. And don't forget too that was Goldman Sachs who was advising Greek government to lie about their economic situation. So now, hope Greece says NO, we will not pay the bill "GO SUCK A LEMMON" :)))) I SUPPORT GREECE TO STOP THESE CRAZYNESS AND STOP THE VULTURES TO MAKE MONEY ON MISFORTUNES OF OTHERS. We can start a change just joining Bitcoin, the solution ofr rotten bank system ;)

In this article: GREK
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