Meet Efrem Hoffman — he is the “Visionary” behind the Running Alpha Story. Efrem’s insights are rooted in the philosophy that not all things in the world can be rendered with immediate visibility. This is especially relevant to human-driven financial market enterprise. His ...
Meet Efrem Hoffman — he is the “Visionary” behind the Running Alpha Story. Efrem’s insights are rooted in the philosophy that not all things in the world can be rendered with immediate visibility. This is especially relevant to human-driven financial market enterprise. His passion is focused on waking up our capacity to see more, and reveal the dynamics of the whole manifesting in the system parts. Only then can we start to comprehend the big picture and make informed decisions that can deliberately paint the canvas. Efrem hopes to play an inspirational role in helping investors and business executives have pain-free experiences on their journey toward better decision-making. His vision is to see as a leading part of a story for rethinking the way mankind can collaborate with nature, to better exploit uncertainty, and compensate for the human condition and machine biases that get in our way of both perceiving world events in high-definition and making bold decisions with attention to detail. Applying this philosophy to his daily life, Efrem is able to put boundaries around future events by identifying hidden Support and Resistance Boundaries for all major markets for impressive results when investors overlay these levels with their own trading tools. When combined with the critical time windows identified on his proprietary Time Maps of Future Sentiment Jet-Stream Behavior, investor’s are expected to discover a unique edge they never had before in their trading experience! Having been: a guest speaker on Artificial Intelligent ( AI ) Design and 3D Interactive Visual Decision Support ( VDS ) Applications for trade management in the Spring of 1997, as well as an active participant at an elite private trading tutorial series in Houston, Texas, run by a 36+ year veteran trader and professional behavioral trading psychology coach — instrumental in successfully transforming the science of chaos theory into practice in a live trading room, Efrem was: (i) discovered at this tutorial by a prominent and extra-ordinarily profitable ex-Chicago floor trading professional in the S&P & Treasury Bond Futures Pits, and later invited to serve as his apprentice in the late 90s — applying unique quant strategies & software design insights in exchange for professional real-life trading instruction on exploiting the inter-market trading book relationships that drive successful speculation in Futures, Equity & Currency Option Arbitrage markets; and (ii) later introduced in 1998 — by another member of the tutorial — to a celebrity physicist who: (a) won the overall People’s Choice Award at the 1993 Windows World Open, earning a nomination by Microsoft for the Smithsonian Award, after making courtroom history — by developing the first computer model that generated new evidence for a successful defense in a high-profile criminal trial; and (b) studied under the inventor of BASIC computer language, Dr. John Kemeny, and Dr. Winterberg, a student of Albert Einstein and Heisenberg, respectively; and (c) periodically served as Efrem’s trusted software design and numerical modeling mentor and scientific colleague from 1998 to 2005. Entrusting these experiences with passion and dedication for helping people connect the dots and think through alternative solutions, Efrem makes it his business each and every day to launch deep theory into live trading practice. One research group inside Running Alpha, known as the Big-Data and Human-Machine Decision Sciences network, is tasked with the challenge of mathematically sniffing out digital records of market data to look for deep structure that explain the HOW and the WHY of the market’s human social wiring, and specifically quantifying how and when traders — both human and machine — with different market perceptions and time horizons are plugging into the global grid of fear and greed. Efrem calls this new analytics philosophy,
‘Bottom-Down Intelligence’ – first drilling down to the very first and smallest scale transaction of an individual security, and then digging deeper into: (i) the underlying motivations and market ecology that are driving trading decisions; and (ii) the physics of crowd-sourcing multi-speed investor interactions (
Crowd-Physics 2.0 ), that are shaping collective perceptions and interfering with observation measurement of market rhythms, across wide-ranging groups of market securities. Going beyond conventional game theory and behavioral finance strategy that treats emotional biases as the key alpha-generating inefficiencies,
Bottom-Down Analytics now makes it possible to unlock a much more fundamental and root source of Alpha, namely: exploiting social intelligence via analyzing trader ecology — knowledge of subtle self-ordered arrangements and relative differences and similarities in the sentiment trend measurement biases inappropriately perceived by market observers using conventional non-quantum mathematical frameworks. Running Alpha™ is designed for helping you
expand your idea-generation and
build intelligent portfolios that know where the global influencers will be tuning into next.