Do you mean prosecution or persecution? I would rather have the Queen or Prince Charles, soon to be King, people with a sense of Duty and dedication, as Head of State than some superannuated politician. President Clegg? And economically, the Royal family more than pays its' way.
So far as taxation is concerned, I wonder how far you want the Government to control your life. Reduce taxation, let people take responsibilty for themselves, get away from the Welfare State, then will you find people paying their fair share. The Government will be able to provide those essential services that we all need and we will learn once again to shift for ourselves. Davidrobin.
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Do you mean prosecution or persecution? I would rather have the Queen or Prince Charles, soon to be King, people with a sense of Duty and dedication, as Head of State than some superannuated politician. President Clegg? And economically, the Royal family more than pays its' way. So far as taxation is concerned, I wonder how far you want the Government to control your life. Reduce taxation, let people take responsibilty for themselves, get away from the Welfare State, then will you find people paying their fair share. The Government will be able to provide those essential services that we all need and we will learn once again to shift for ourselves. Davidrobin.