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Vivek-Where Did This Guy Come From?
1 year ago

Thanks for the compliment.  And yes, I think that's almost definitely the plan.

Vivek-Where Did This Guy Come From?
1 year ago

I believe Vivek's goal is to not be President (yet) but to be Vice President to Trump. 

Vivek has zero experience which will prevent most people for voting for him, even if they like his ideas and sound bytes.  But as VP, he will gain that experience. And Trump can only serve for one more turn, which means in only 4 years, Vivek can run for the top spot himself and win. 

By serving as Trump's lap dog - praising him, defending him against all dectractors, promising to pardon him if he wins... he is showing Trump he will kowtow at his feet and do his bidding no matter what (unlike Pence).  That will make Trump likely to pick him as hs running mate.

Our Very Fractured Country
1 year ago

Well said, and I agree completey.  In the polls and to left leaning friends I say I'm going to vote Trump just to annoy them and to stick it to Biden, but I know Trump can't win. And I've come to realize he doens't care about America, he only cares about staying out of prison. He's neither a good person, nor a good leader. I'm throwing my support behind DeSantis.

Donald Trump Is Loved, While Brain-Addled Joe Biden Is Viewed As A Traitor And A Criminal
1 year ago

I had believed Trump's lies too.  He's quite the convincing liar.  Or maybe I just wanted him to be right so badly, I ignored all the evidence that was right in front of me.

Fifty Years Ago On A U.S. Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine
1 year ago

Nice read and thank you for your service!

Democracy, Monarchy, Or Dictatorship-It's Your Choice
1 year ago

Biden... where to start?  He's too old and at times seems like he's senile.  He's let immigration run rampant, has let crime take over our cities to the point where almost no one gets arrested any more.  And if they do, they don't have to make bail, they just go home and ignore the court summons.  And our enemies are not afraid of him. That's just off the top of my head.  I do think he won fair and square, but most people who voted for Biden were actually not voting for him, but against Trump, 

Joe Biden Is Not Our President
1 year ago

I may not have voted for Biden, and may not like that he's our president, but he IS our president, fair and square.  Don't be such a sore loser that our side lost - just vote him out of power in 2024.   That's what makes America a great democracy!

Democracy, Monarchy, Or Dictatorship-It's Your Choice
1 year ago

There are some of us who don't want Biden, but don't want Trump either.  You can be in the GOP and still support democracy.

Rupert Murdoch Is A Foreign-Bred Political Hack
1 year ago

I hate to admit it myself, but can't deny it.  Fox clearly lied here. Shame on them for puting ratings and money above truth, journalistic integirty and our very democracy.

You Should Know
1 year ago

I've never used the European healthcare system so can't comment if it's just as good as the US's but for less.  However, I do know there is no such thing as a free lunch.  If it's half the price, there is a cost somewhere else.  Perhaps they pay much more in taxes.

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