FOUNDER, PRESIDENT, Strategic Catalyst, Inc.
Strategic Catalyst initiates focus within organizations. We align business goals with business development, marketing and human resource strategies and provide direction and inspiration to leverage business opportunities.
FOUNDER, PRESIDENT, Strategic Catalyst, Inc.
Strategic Catalyst initiates focus within organizations. We align business goals with business development, marketing and human resource strategies and provide direction and inspiration to leverage business opportunities.
CHAIR, COACH, SPEAKER, Vistage International, Inc.
Vistage International, the world’s leading chief executive organization, and its affiliates have more than 15,000 members in 16 countries. Vistage members generate nearly $300 billion in annual revenue and have more than 2.1 million employees around the world. Vistage is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and enhancing the lives of chief executives. Member companies are better run and grow their revenues, on average, at twice the percentage growth rate after joining Vistage
FOUNDER, PRESIDENT, National Business Development Association, Inc.
Founded the National Business Development Association to fill the need for a national trade association to provide best practices to those individuals whose primary responsibility is generating business for their organization.
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