"I don’t expect that #cryptocurrency in any of its current forms will survive because they don’t offer anything particularly useful compared to traditional money."
@[Michael Ashton](user:12172), great article and I agree with everything you said, though you forgot one point with your quote above. #Cryptocurrencies like #bitcoin do offer one extremely useful benefit over traditional money. It's untraceable. Criminals and those who wish to hide their activities will pump millions into crypto currencies for this very reason alone. $BITCOMP
I'd have to agree with you @[Alexander Hamilton](user:35569). Though I often wonder if sites like $AMZN or $AAPL have their own plans for #cryptocurrency. Like with #ApplePay.
It's because #cryptocurrency is used by various nefarious organizations to launder money. From various Mafias to Dictators and dark web, all use it. $AMZN doesn't want to legitimize them!
Higher Wages: Good for You, Not Good for Stocks
"I don’t expect that #cryptocurrency in any of its current forms will survive because they don’t offer anything particularly useful compared to traditional money."
@[Michael Ashton](user:12172), great article and I agree with everything you said, though you forgot one point with your quote above. #Cryptocurrencies like #bitcoin do offer one extremely useful benefit over traditional money. It's untraceable. Criminals and those who wish to hide their activities will pump millions into crypto currencies for this very reason alone. $BITCOMP
The Needed Acception Of Cryptocurrency Today
I'd have to agree with you @[Alexander Hamilton](user:35569). Though I often wonder if sites like $AMZN or $AAPL have their own plans for #cryptocurrency. Like with #ApplePay.
The Needed Acception Of Cryptocurrency Today
It's because #cryptocurrency is used by various nefarious organizations to launder money. From various Mafias to Dictators and dark web, all use it. $AMZN doesn't want to legitimize them!