TalkMarkets Comments | #corona - Page 1


To Wear Or Not To Wear: That’s The Question With These Stupid Covid Masks
Dan Richards 7/21/2020 2:06:15 PM

Yes people will die of #corona but why do you not care that people die of lots of different things? Only people dying of corona is appalling? Let's broaden our thinking.

USA locksdown > other countries follow > 3 billion people in this world live hand to mouth. Now these people are starving. Did you read the story of an Indian mom who drown her children because she couldn't feed them during the lockdown? This is what half the world is going through, not you.

Meanwhile, the zombies are ignoring the reasons other countries are able to control it while having no rules except common sense. So you put on your mask if you plan to breath over people but don't expect others to follow your narrow thought process.

You should read what @[DRM](user:130312) and @[Joseph Cox](user:127658) has to say about this, they make some excellent points backed up by some sobering facts/statistics.

Cocoa Prices Hit Two Year Low As Chocolate Consumption Falters
Joel Santiago 7/19/2020 2:27:34 PM

I'm starting to think any country will truly be able to get #corona under control any time soon. There will simply be more waves when the countries start to reopen.

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