TalkMarkets Comments | #bitcoin - Page 4


Bitcoin Gets Crushed - Is The Economy Next?
Currency Trader 9/29/2019 2:39:18 PM

#Bitcoin down because the DOW is up.

Is Bitcoin A Scam? Dr. Mark Van Rijmenam Takes On Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, And Blockchain
Michele Grant 9/11/2019 5:51:34 PM

While I don't think #Bitcoin is a scam, I do think most other cryptocurrencies, ICOs and tokens that have popped up since are!

Why I Am Shorting Bitcoin Right Here
BreakingBad News 9/6/2019 7:03:45 AM

So you've lost faith in #Bitcoin, huh Ernie? $BITCOMP

Bitcoin’s Chart Likely Signals “Last Chance To Get In”
Currency Trader 8/6/2019 9:24:00 PM

Actually Carol, those who invested in #bitcoin early, did very well. I just read about the 12 year old who ended up a millionaire from buying bitcoin early:

Erik Finman Youngest Crypto Millionaire On Bitcoin Deficiencies
Danny Straus 8/5/2019 5:01:35 AM

Great interview! I'm unbelievably jealous. I tried to buy #bitcoin back then a well, but it just seemed so complicated, that I gave up on it. Of course I'm now kicking myself.

Bitcoin Falling After Reaching Major Timing Point
Stock Tigress 7/22/2019 3:55:50 AM

Any drop in #Bitcoin will be short-lived.

Bitcoin Cycle Bullish
Dean Gilmore 7/2/2019 12:08:53 PM

I'm continuously impressed with how #Bitcoin has persevered. I truly had thought it was a fad.

Untethered Angel
Adam Reynolds 6/28/2019 12:00:36 PM

Why is #bitcoin in such higher demand in South Korea and Japan than in the rest of the world. Can't they buy it anywhere on the net? Why pay a premium?

At Our Doorstep
Carol W 6/27/2019 11:57:02 AM

Someday the knuckleheads that run the #crypto world will actually figure out how to not look like fools every time volume picks up. I was never seduced to party in that space. The whales are in control and you,lowly trader are at their thanks. As far as $FB, everybody with a pulse knew of their plan for #Libra a year ago. #Bitcoin flew because of the Chinese's capital concerns amid a global currency issue. Confluence, in other words.

Libra logically should have trashed or maybe crashed the crypto world as it will have the scale to dominate with a STABLE currency protected by an independent group of accredited validators - FB being only one of them. They will be able to handle 1000 transactions a second as opposed to Bitcoin that can only handle 7. True you won't be able to trade Libra as an investment asset. But given the way Bitcoin behaves whenever it rallies, maybe that's a good thing.

The Libra Win-Win and the Markets’ Third Wave
Barry Glassman 6/24/2019 5:31:26 AM

I wonder if #Libra will have any real competition. Even #Bitcoin would have a hard time competing against #Facebook.

The Category 5 Freak-Out Over Libra, Facebook’s Digital Currency
Michele Grant 6/23/2019 12:45:56 PM

I'm no fan of #Libra, but to play devil's advocate, #Bitcoin and other #cryptos are already used for drugtrafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities. So what's one more option for the crooks to have at their dispoisal?

Bitcoin Could Be At $1 Million By 2020
Alpha Stockman 6/3/2019 12:42:20 AM

While $1 million is a big stretch, the author does make some surprisingly good points about #bitcoin. $BITCOMP

Bitcoin Could Be At $1 Million By 2020
Currency Trader 6/3/2019 12:04:05 AM

Yes, #Bitcoin will go up again, but to $1 million? When pigs fly!

Drop Gold, Buy Bitcoin?
Currency Trader 5/3/2019 1:16:58 PM

#Bitcoin is the new gold!

Is Litecoin Just A Testnet For Bitcoin Or A Vastly Undervalued Cryptocurrency?
Adam Reynolds 4/11/2019 5:33:33 PM

You may be right, but I'd say the "early" days are past and that's where the real money was made. Will #bitcoin ever even approach $20k again? The people who bought it for pennies, or even better mined, and sold high could have become millionaires. You and I will never profit like that. It's simply too late.

Is Litecoin Just A Testnet For Bitcoin Or A Vastly Undervalued Cryptocurrency?
Alexis Renault 4/11/2019 4:44:31 PM

When he says that #Litecoin is a glorified test net for #Bitcoin, what does that even mean? Can you explain? $LTC-X

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