In my humble opinion, I think it is quite different in this case, as Musk had already taken a stake in $TWTR #Twitter. In the case of $TSLA#TSLA, it was just one random line. No matter what naysayers keep on saying, or whether people understand his logic, you have to give someone credit when he/she delivers results, as $TSLA#TSLA just delivered a record quarter.
Maybe Not Rush To Buy Twitter, But Definitely Don't Sell
In my humble opinion, I think it is quite different in this case, as Musk had already taken a stake in $TWTR #Twitter. In the case of $TSLA #TSLA, it was just one random line. No matter what naysayers keep on saying, or whether people understand his logic, you have to give someone credit when he/she delivers results, as $TSLA #TSLA just delivered a record quarter.