TalkMarkets Comments | #MiddleEast - Page 1


How To Invest In Energy With The Middle East On The Brink
Abe Jouejati 12/2/2016 3:27:46 PM

Sectarian clashes and international trade restrictions have tended to depress economic conditions across an unstable #MiddleEast. However, Abu Dhabi is on the cusp of breakthrough technology in the #energy sector with the first green city "Masdar City."

Considering large #oil revenues of the Gulf governments, they could expand renewable energy sector, whereby, reducing dependency on the unstable oil market. #Solar energy, kinetic energy and hydro-energy are viable and abundant in the region. This transition is likely to take time to come into effect, but the rewards in R&D, infrastructure, employment, investment and exports are likely to trigger an expansion of some sort.

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