Take #BillGross. In the past there have instances where Gross made very strong statements about the future of #bonds. For example, when the Fed decided to reduce its purchases of bonds, Gross called for the selling of bonds because in his words " who will buy bonds? " if the Fed is not there. He happen to short the bond market and this statement is consistent. As it turned out, he was wrong and had to cover his short position in a hurry. Soon after the Fed' s announcement of winding down QE, bond yields fell steadily.
Do Bond Prices Have Momentum?
Take #BillGross. In the past there have instances where Gross made very strong statements about the future of #bonds. For example, when the Fed decided to reduce its purchases of bonds, Gross called for the selling of bonds because in his words " who will buy bonds? " if the Fed is not there. He happen to short the bond market and this statement is consistent. As it turned out, he was wrong and had to cover his short position in a hurry. Soon after the Fed' s announcement of winding down QE, bond yields fell steadily.