There seems to be a black hole swallowing flu, pneumonia, cancer, diabetes, old age and stroke fatalities in 2020.
Every year, millions of people around the world die of these causes, none related to the Serial Killer From China plandemic. Yet, this year, all these illnesses have been used as "comorbidity" excuses to label people as ‘Covid’ victims.
And finally, the CDC has admitted it. Right there, on its website, for anyone to read.
This week, the CDC stealthily changed the stats on its website to say that only 6% of the total Covid death count in the US actually had Covid 19 as the only cause of death.
That means only 9,210 Americans have died of the Covid 19 virus.
The rest of the so-called ‘Covid’ deaths had 2 to 3 other causes of death cited on their death certificates. That means people were already dying of something else, but because they tested positive for the Covid virus, their deaths were counted towards the biggest hoax in the world. EVER.
Gateway Pundit published an article headlined: SHOCK REPORT – This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses.
The article is purely based on the CDC’s own numbers.
It’s all right there. Staring you in the face. Undeniable. Let’s all agree and get back to normal.
You’d think…
Want to see why the mainstream media dogs and their owners are finding it so easy to destroy the world economy? Why 50 million Americans are unemployed? And why you are losing friends and family by the dozen by sticking to your guns? It’s because people refuse to believe the facts – even if it's biting them in the ass.
I was sent a conversation that followed someone posting this article on Facebook – it went down like this:
Original Poster: This is criminal – the entire world was shut down, people's lives and businesses were destroyed – for what?
Sissy 1: Gateway Pundit is a rag. The CDC is now compromised and the tabulating of numbers was outsourced with no bid in a political sham. Don't trust the CDC any longer and I say that with sadness. If you think the whole world went into lockdown and all the deaths are a scam I pity your reasoning ability, is all I can say. Try going to an actual unbiased source and not some news source with an agenda.
Sissy 2: And if you had taken the time to look at the details of the comorbidity data provided on the CDC website you would see that most cases are things like pneumonia and respiratory arrest. I.e. Conditions developed as a result of COVID-19. Further to that take a look at the spike in all causes mortality that coincides with the height of the COVID outbreak in the US. Do you think it’s a coincidence that in the US 200,000 people above the long term average just picked a time to die that coincides with a global pandemic?
Sissy 3: Fake News.
Sissy 4: The Gateway Pundit is a far-right publication known for spreading hoaxes, conspiracy theories and everything anti-left.
Sissy 5: Anyone who believes this is a fricking moron, not even a regular moron!
There’s nothing worse than fact-checkers. Except for non-fact checkers. And non-fact believers.
Isn’t it strange how everything is fake news? And everything anyone ever said against the COVID-hoax is FAR RIGHT and part of a Trump conspiracy agenda?
I have news for you. The people protesting in London, Berlin, Paris, Spain – they couldn’t give a flying f**** about American politics, Trump or Biden, or the November election.
I’ll give you a lesson in How To Lie With Statistics – Bill Gates’ top favorite book of the decade - LinkedIn’s owner and the guy canceling subscribers right and left because they are challenging his agenda.
If there’s a 0.1% chance of rain, would you walk around with an umbrella?
If someone offered you $1,000 – would you take the COVAIDS19 vaccine?
What better quote to describe what’s happening here, than this:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
– William Casey, CIA Director 1981
Being that you have no expertise in this space, it is understandable that you completely misunderstood the information published by the CDC. We've always known that those with pre-existing conditions and those who are high risk are more likely to be killed by COVID-19. All this means is that, as we expected, many of those who actually died were such people. The majority of these people would NOT have died had they not contracted COVID-19.
Yes, this is obvious to anyone with half a brain. If someone has diabetes, and contracts COVID-19 and died, it's the COVID-19 that killed them - they could have easily lived a long and complete life with diabetes.
This article is absurd. I'm glad that TalkMarkets has refused to publish these conspiratorial rants by Ziad and relegate them to his personal blog.
I agree with you both. And what makes this even more obvious is that if you compare the number of US deaths this year with past years, about 200,000 more have died than the average. That's right on par with how many people COVID-19 has killed in the US.