As expected, the Coronavirus has mutated and will kill even more globally: China's gift to the world.[2] There is mass censorship of free speech by public platforms such as Facebook and of course Elon Musk's tragic Twitter.[3] Woke madness seems to be everywhere in the United States, Canada and Europe, crippling such former democracies, and alienating them from their citizens.[4] And targeted killings occur to silence potential truth-tellers.[5]
Once-trusted organs of the American government have been "weaponized" by the evil Left against anyone who would dare to oppose or even question them.[6] Growing numbers of Americans are alienated from the election process, and believe it is "rigged" against them so why bother to vote.[7] We have a mentally-challenged criminal as our President, with his possible successor being a disgrace at best, at a time in our history when the march toward another world war and chaos is frightening.[8]
We have a legal system that favors criminals over the police, abortions over life, and is populated by judges who distort the system at every turn. Crime seems to be omnipresent; killer drugs such as Fentanyl take an staggering toll; and our police are shackled and ridiculed at a time when they are needed the most.[9] Eco-Nazis have so distorted our lives that we are buying oil from our adversaries, when we were essentially energy-independent a short while ago.[10]
Madness and instability seem to reign, instead of order and rationality.[11] Once-trusted groups such as the Boy Scouts and our churches are maligned at every turn, leaving vast numbers of Americans with a sense of disorder, despair and insecurity at a time when order and stability are needed the most. Godlessness is promoted; and the "freaks of nature" are everywhere, distorting all that they touch—and that we hold dear. It's as if the inmates are running the asylum.
The United States is ridiculed if not hated by many around the world, yet our southern border is so porous that men, women and children are trying to come here from the countries of the world. And having crossed the border, or having been brought here by human traffickers, they are often treated far better than the growing ranks of our homeless, who struggle to stay alive each and every day.[12]
Amidst so much seeming chaos and irrationality—heightened by the Coronavirus pandemic—Americans are divided like never before, except during our Civil War and in the wake of the Vietnam War. Perhaps unrecognized and unanticipated in our body politics is that slim sliver of hope; namely, a faith in the future and trust in a Higher Power that is guiding us through the minefields and seeming insanity of the world in which we live.[13]
© 2022, Timothy D. Naegele
[1] Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6 and He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g., Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Law, and Who's Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams. He can be contacted directly at
[2] See, e.g., ("Next major COVID variant IS poised to be more deadly, doctors warn after studying patient who harbored Omicron for six months")
[3] See, e.g., ("Facebook Is Engaged In Criminal Censorship") and ("Twitter Engages In Racist Censorship, And Is Un-American")
[4] See, e.g., ("Woke Madness Reigns In California")
[5] See, e.g., ("Russian billionaire, 53, is killed in helicopter crash near Monaco in latest crypto mystery death - 'after another passenger cancelled at the last minute'") and ("Will Donald Trump Be Killed By The Democrats?")
[6] See, e.g., ("The 'Witch Hunters' Must Be Brought To Justice, Beginning With Evil-Incarnate Merrick Garland")
[7] See, e.g., ("Lots Of American Voters Aren’t Wedded To Either Political Party, And May Boycott Both")
[8] See, e.g., ("Clearly Joe Biden Is Brain Dead, And He Is Pushing Us Toward World War III")
[9] See, e.g., ("Thousands Of Prisoners Are Set To Be Released From Illinois Jails") and ("America Is Lawless") and ("The Abortion Farce")
[10] See, e.g., ("The American Left And Its Eco-Nazis Are Certifiably Crazy")
[11] See, e.g., ("Global Chaos And Helter Skelter—Revisited")
[12] See, e.g., ("Homelessness In America")
[13] See, e.g., ("What And Where Is God?")
The main thing I took from reading this page is that there seems to be a couple of racists/anti-semites in this thread, And they are Trump supporters. Shocker.
Very interesting thread. Especially the debate between Trump In 2024 and Anne Davis. And both claim that the author support's their own view. So let's ask him straight out. Timothy Naegele, what is your opinion on Trump's dinner. Was it wrong? Should it be condemned?
Thank you, James. I have set forth my beliefs below.
Not really. You didn't address the dinner at all.
Based on what I know about it, it should not have taken place. Apparently Kanye was invited, and brought a "guest."
Kanye is a "loose canon," who - like Elon Musk - is unpredictable.
Of couse Trump knew who he was hosting for dinner. But no one is going to tell Trump who he can and can't meet with. That's one of the reasons I like him.
Here's the problem:
1. Trump claims he had no idea who Fuentes was or that he was coming. This is doubtful since people can't just approach Trump. They need to be vetted and cleared by the Secret Service. So he did know about Fuentes.
2. If somehow Trump still didn't know, what does it say about a presidential candidate who is so careless in this regard?
3. Even if somehow he didn't know about Fuentes, he certainly knew about Kanye's very recent comments and chose to meet with him any way.
4. Even if Trump didn't know about Fuentes then, he does now. And Trump has refused to condemn Fuentes' statements, or apologize for meeting with him.
While everyone is arguing about Trump, they are missing how excellent and accurate this post is. America is at a crossroads. Whether you are on the right or the left, whether you believe in God or you don't, we need to find a way to work together. Or America will crumble and collapse.
I agree, Susan, but I do not see anything that will bring us together, apart from another tragedy like 9/11.
I was at a college reunion, and met the wife of an old and dear college friend of mine for the very first time. She was very cordial until I literally mentioned the word "Trump." Then, her eyes glazed over; and it was as if a curtain had come down between us.
She condemned me without knowing a thing about my beliefs.
That's unforunate. But it's because Trump supporters like Fuentes, Ye, and Trump In 2024, giive us a bad name. I voted for Trump twice, but I no longer want to be associated with people like that. And such people are starting to get voted into office and are moving into mainstream. I don't want to live in an America liike that. People with those beliefs should receede back into the fringes of society where they belong.
Since when do people consider Elon Musk to be "woke?"
And by the way, it was Trump who appointed many of those judges that you are complaining about.
With few exceptions, judges are the very worst of the legal profession. They are lawyers who could not make it in the private practice of law.
But why do you think Elon Musk is "woke?" He took control of Twitter to cure the company of it's "wokeness."
Frankly, I haven't seen anything positive that he has done yet.
Lol, we'll I'd agree with you there. I don't think Musk has had a positive impact at Twitter at all. But he's clearly the opposite of woke.
Who is maligning my beloved boy scouts? Some of my fondest memories. But I haven't seen anyone puttiing them down lately. They still do a lot of good work.
A dear friend of a family member of mine was an Eagle Scout and, after college, became an area director for the Scouts, in one of the nation's biggest areas. The word that I get is that the Boy Scouts, which I loved, has been devastated by the actions of "perverts." This never should have happened.
I have not heard this. My kids are too young for the boy scouts but are currently cub scouts and are learning good lessons and values, and are having fun, making friends, and learnings skills while doing it.
I was a Cub Scout, a Boy Scout and an Explorer Scout; and ALL of my experiences were positive. I had ZERO negative experiences.
Seems to me, that a lot of divisiveness we're experiencing originates with Trump. Either divisiveness that he creates himself, or the subsequent battle that always erupts between his supporters and detractors over everything he does.
Trump will most likely lose the primary to DeSantis, and as a result, his voice will be much muted and the country can start to heal. And hopefully... in time, unite again.
Agreed. It's time to move past Trump and all the nonsense surrounding him. It's a distraction from what needs to be done to fix American and get us back on the right track. Plus his demands for personal loyalty over party and country is problematic. That's not how America operates. Dems and the GOP need to start remembering how to work across the aisle to get things done and get America moving forward again (hopefully with a Republican administration, but that's just my personal opinion - I'll respect whomever wins and connsider him my president).
I would not count Trump out just yet.
I have read the comments of both Anne Davis and "Trump in 2024," and there is truth in both of their comments.
I have never believed in discrimination or anti-Semitism, nor have I believed in the "muzzling" of free speech.
The fact is - and I have written about it here, many times - the thugs, slugs, hoods and mongrels of "Black Lives Matter," Antifa and other far-Left groups burned our cities, killed or hurt innocent Americans including our police, and destroyed black and other businesses.
When I worked in the U.S. Senate - before becoming Edward W. Brooke's chief of staff - I wrote the Brooke Amendment relating to public housing, and the Housing Allowance program that morphed into Section 8 housing. I did so because the Senator (who was the first African-American in the U.S. Senate following Reconstruction after our Civil War) was concerned about the plight of elderly black women who were being victimized in the public housing projects.
After the legislation was enacted, the Senator and I read hand-written letters from elderly black women that moved me to tears. They thanked the Senator; and both of us were very proud of what we had done.
Having said that, the thugs have hurt blacks nationally, and paid no price for doing so, tragically.
With respect to anti-Semitism, I have written about that too. Years ago, Netanyahu morphed into his ancestors' Nazi oppressors. He was hated by Ariel Sharon and the Rabins; and the "Lioness" Leah Rabin blamed him for her husband's tragic assassination. Yet, he is in power again, when he should have been tried by the International Criminal Court for his many crimes, and imprisoned at the very least.
Once again, innocents suffer. Jews who live outside of the USA and Israel feel the wrath of anti-Semitism, stemming from Netanyahu's actions (and inactions), which I believe will get far worse as long as he is in power. Leah Rabin was right: the man is evil, personified.
I commend you for your work in the Senate. I am not a fan of Netanyahu - he reminds me to much of Trump and utilized much of the fear mongering that Trump did, to get elected. But comparing him to the Nazis is beyond a stretch. Last I checked, he did not gas anyone, let alone millions of people.
I also don't see what Nentanyahu has done is realted to Trump's dinner in the slightest. It sounds more like a deflection than anything else. I've noticed that you did not condemn Trump's meeting with Fuentes and West. Most woud say that is tacit approval. Troubling to say the least.
Thank you, Anne, for your comments.
First, Israel is an Apartheid state; and Netanyahu is the worst possible leader that the tiny country could have.
Omar Assad and other innocents have been killed by the IDF and despicable settlers, which in turn increases anti-Semitism globally. Innocent Jews outside of the USA and Israel - and beyond the reach of Mossad - will bear the the brunt of global hatred, which is tragic.
BDS measures should be put in place and enforced. All American aid of any kind to Israel should cease. Netanyahu should be tried by the International Criminal Court for his many crimes, and imprisoned for the remainder of his life, at the very least.
Again, he was hated by Ariel Sharon and the Rabins, who knew him better than either of us do.
Israel doesn't intenionally kill innocent people. The Palestinians target Jews indisriminitely, but also kill their own people. People they deem "collaborators" who sometimes are, but more times than not are simply politial, business, or romatic rivals. Also, they fire thousands of rockets into Israel, but 30% fall short, landing on their own people, killiing them. They also use their people as human shields. Palestinians have killed far more Palestinians than Israel ever did.
Also, Israel did not murder Omar Assad. An investigation showed he was not beaten or intentionally killed. He regretably died of a heart attack while bound and waiting to be questioned, because they caught him at 3am behaving suspiciously. But regretably unbeknowst to the soldiers, he had a heart condition. And though they were lax in not noticing his distress sooner, once they did, they tried to get him medical aid. These soliders were punished for their actions. No one named streets after them, or threw a parade, the way the Palestinians do when they honor their murderers.
Even the PA's autopsy attributed the death to "stress-induced sudden cardiac arrest." So why would you make such a leap and claim he was murdered? Do you really equate that to blowing up a bus, or murdering a baby in his crib, as Ayelet Wolf described below? It seems that you do. Why?
The double standard you exhibit is astounding. I'm also curious... With all the heinous countries in this world, what other countries do you call on us to divest from? If it is only Israel, I think you have to do some soul searching to determine if you aren't exhibiting some antisemitsm yourself. I don't say that as an insult or as an attack, but out of genuine concern.
Israel is not an apartheid state by any means and I'm surprised you would claim that to be the case. All citizens have equal rights there. And the IDF has the lowest collatoral damage of any army in the world.
While I would not even dream of comparing Bibi to Hitler, most Americans agree that like Trump, he cares only about cliinging to power and has become corrupt. But many stiill vote for him for reasons I don't really understand, but it's a different system than we have in America where they vote for the party, not the person.
Regardless, Bibi is one person. Why would you shower so much disdain for an entire country, simply because you dislike one person? That's the very definition of rascism.
I think you need to look up what the definition of an Apartheid state is. Israeli Arabs have equal rights in Isarel and even serve in the government. While many Arabs won't serve, Druze Arabs in particular have been judges, and generals in the army.
The country is also constantly under attack by ruthless terorrists who intentionally target civilians, women and children. They've murdered thousands. They've even murdered babies sleeping in cribs. Israel by contrast has gone to great lengths too avoid civilian casualities. Why do you only call on Israel to show even more restraint than they already do? And where iis your condemnation for the terrorists.
You want to see an apartheid state? Look to the Arab word where if a Jew or a gay person, or in some cases, even a woman not dressed to their standards, will be murdered. There is no place in Israel where an Arab can't go in Israel.
As a person of the Jewish faith who had relatives who perished in the Holocaust, I found your statements to be deeply offensive. I do not support Bibi, but the crimes he has been accused of are minor in comparison to Trump, and aren't even in the same stratosphere as the Nazii's. Shame on you comparing him people who committed genocide. What do you even know about Israel. How much time have you spent there?
Thank you for your comments, Ayelet.
As I am sure you know, there are many prominent Jews who feel exactly as I do about Netanyahu. He is a blight on innocent Jews globally; and it is sad that Israel has "reelected" him.
A Jewish friend of mine, who has contributed millions to Israel, ascribes it to Israel's "fractured" democracy. Whatever the cause, it does not bode well for Israel's future, in my opinion.
I agree with that.
I would. If the GOP's horrible showing in the mid-term didn't seal his fate, nor his unconsionable hosting of the racist and anti-semitic Kanye and Fuentes for dinner, all of the criminal investigations will. Chance sare he'll end up in prison for his crimes, or he'll cut some deal to throw the blame on underlings like Giuliani and agree to stay out of politics, to avoid jail time.
Trump did nothing wrong by being with those true patriots (yes, even Kanye - he can't be blamed for the color of his skin). The president showed great courage in standing up for his beliefs and saying "screw the PC media and their mud slinging. If I support the things Kanye and Fuentes said, I'll dine with them and don't care what you think."
Don't you think that the majority of Americans are disgusted by this behavior? That there is no place in America today for the hate spread by Fuentes and West? And that no presidential candidate should give them the time of day?
No, I think most Americans AGREE with Kanye and Fuentes, because they speak the truth. They are just afraid to say that out loud because they are scared of retribution from BLM, antifa and zionists. But Trump isn't afraid.
I think you are a deeply disturbed person. Most Americans aren't rascists. Most are disgusted by this dinner, on both the left and the right. I'm sure Timothy Naegele would agree that this behavior needs to be coondemned.
1. I disagree. I don't think Mr. Naegele would agree with you. He sees the truth for what it is, and I've yet to seem him condemn anything related to Trump, have you? Including this dinner.
2. You are wrong that most Americans don't feel the same way, at least not deep down. Sure Jews and Blacks don't like to be called out on the truth. But the majority of us calls it like we see it. And I can prove it. Sure, the jews forced Adidas to drop Kanye when he spoke his mind. Yet his Twitter following DOUBLED to 32 million people right after he put down the Jews and threatened them with his Defcon 3 statements. What does that tell you? That millions of Americans loved what Kanye said and agree. MILLIONS!
So yes, Trump can still win by showing the same courage that Kanye did.
It is disturbing that West's following grew so much. But those are not all fans. They are people who enjoy a show and like to say what crazy thing he will say next. Most do not agree with his statements. Also, millions of them aren't even American and can't vote. Don't think these people will catapult West or Trump to the presidency.
If we judged people by their Twitter following, Musk would be president.
Thank you, Jason, for your comments.
I grew up in Hollywood/LA, and then spent 21 years nonstop working in Washington, D.C. I have often told people that the phonies in both cities are essentially mirror images of each other.
Harvey Weinstein is not an aberration. He represents the culture that exists in both cities, at the very top. Women are commodities, to be used and misused. And the fact that Bill Clinton traveled on Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" numerous times - sometimes without his Secret Service agents - should not surprise anyone.
If I were Trump, I'd be ashamed that people like you, who is clearly is racist and antisemitic), are the people that support me.
The fact that Trump is not ashamed and even seems to court these extreme fringes of society, speak volumes about the man's character, or lack there of.
Thank you, Tiffany, for your comments.
We live in a "poisoned," "polarized" country today, where I do not know why anyone would run for public office. One's family can be attacked; and there is no "glory" that public service represents, which is worth the price - or so I believe.
And it is sad to utter those words or feel that way. But the poison that has infected our society is something that I have never seen before.
You hit the nail on the head with that one.

See also ("Why Are So Many Americans Oblivious To The Pervasive Evil That Is Upon Us, Or Cowed By It?")