By Timothy D. Naegele[1]
Bonzo[2], of course, is Joe Biden. He needs to be “retired” and put out to pasture—or incarcerated with Hunter and the other members of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate, and their co-conspirators—before he can do any more harm to the United States, every American and the world.
He is on the verge of embroiling us in at least one senseless war—in the Middle East[3]—which is not our fight. We need to exit the region now, before we or our loved ones die. Think this is outrageous or a fantasy? Think again, about Israel’s vicious attack on the USS Liberty.[4]
Also, the draft may be instituted like that during the Vietnam War, when conscripted Americans died for nothing as cannon fodder. Our tragic wars in Afghanistan and Iraq should have taught us valuable and unforgettable lessons.
Anarchy prevails today. It’s as if the insane have taken over the asylum, with Joe as their titular leader.[5] And cackling Kamala Harris—or Willie Brown’s former ho—waits in the wings for Joe to croak.[6]
Will China's Xi Jinping move against Taiwan and elsewhere globally, and will Russia's Vladimir Putin be victorious in Ukraine and move against NATO, and will North Korea's Kim Jong-un move against us too—as they see the "Great Satan" America tied down in the Middle East like Gulliver and the Lilliputians?[7]
© 2024, Timothy D. Naegele
[1] Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6 and He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at The Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g., Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams. He can be contacted directly at
[2] See, e.g., (“Bedtime for Bonzo”)
The use of this title is not meant to lessen the seriousness of what is happening at all. The world stands at the edge of a precipice, of incalculable depth.
See, e.g., (“Ex-Shin Bet chief: Netanyahu unfit for office, leading Israel to its doom”)
[3] See, e.g., (“Is Israel Doomed?”)
[4] See (“USS Liberty Veterans Association”)
Also, decades ago, Benjamin Netanyahu morphed into his ancestors’ Nazi oppressors. He was hated by Ariel Sharon and the Rabins; and Leah Rabin blamed him for her husband’s tragic assassination. She believed that peace was impossible with Netanyahu at the helm of Israel’s government; and her views were prescient and prophetic.
Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and rabid Zionists have engaged in genocide for decades; and their vicious practices must end now, permanently. Efforts in the West—and especially among the Leftist media—to portray Israelis as righteous are fraudulent. Tragically, if Israel is destroyed, the world will cheer. Until then, anti-Semitism has been reaching levels globally that have not been seen since World War II, with much worse yet to come.
[5] See, e.g., (“Hannibal Lecter Lives”)
[6] See, e.g., (“If Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Or Michelle Obama Is Elected In November, Lots Of Us Will Give Up On America”)
[7] See, e.g., ("Gulliver's Travels")
It's funny that you use the debunked meme of Biden falling asleep when Trump was the one who couldn't stay awake during his own trial yesterday.
Lol, very true.
Biden is now a hero in Israel. Seems like he handled the situation quite well.

Maybe. Or maybe he just got really lucky.
Does it matter? Either way it was a big win for Biden and Israel.
See also ("It Is Bedtime For Bonzo")
Seems to me, he did a great job last night of avoiding a world war. He got a coalition of US, UK, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and French militaries to help Israel fight off Iran's unprecedented attack, destroying 99% of their attack force, causing zeor damage.
Had it not been for Biden, Israel would have been overwhelmed with a massive casualty count, forcing them to respond with a direct attack on Iran, causing a similar death toll. The world would have likely been dragged into a world war, possibly a nuclear one.
While I'm not a fan of Biden, I have to give him credit for how masterfully this was handled, with the best possible outcome.
Thank you, Kurt, for your thoughtful comments. However, I respectfully disagree.
Please read the following article, which presents the opposing views.
So far, Israel's enemies have engaged in "pin pricks." However, they have the ability to administer nation-ending blows. And yes, such an attack or attacks may come from other than Iran.
Also, in the interim, anti-Semitism has been rising globally to levels not seen since World War II, with much worse yet to come. Thus, Kurt, even if you were correct, Biden and his ilk will have lost the "global war," as anti-Semitism takes its global toll.
Do you think it would have been any different under Trump? Trump is an isolationist and hates Bibi. When Iran attacked, he very likely would have gleefully told Bibi he was on his own.
I have to agree. More importantly, Israel could not have stopped that attack without the help of the US. Left to defend itself on its own, many Israelis would have died, forcing Israel to attack Iran directly. That likely would have lead to World War 3.
Whether you like Biden or not, he has to get kudos for masterfully handling that situation.
Ayelet Wolf, or Biden just got lucky.
Does it matter? Either way, it was a win for Biden (and for Israel). And for that matter Iran - Israel could kick their @sses if they wanted to.
Israel also has the ability to administer nation-ending blows. The country has nuclear weapons. Iran so far, does not. Regardless, Biden and the US helped save Israel's butt, ensuring that a more serious escalation wouldn't be necessary.