Peter Morici | TalkMarkets | Page 41
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
Professor Peter Morici is a recognized expert on economic policy and international economics. Prior to joining the university, he served as director of the Office of Economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission. He is the author of 18 books and monographs and has published widely in ...more

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Printing Money Won’t Save Moribund European Economies
The European Central Bank has announced a €60 billion ($69 billion) monthly government bond buying program—Quantitative Easing—but that won’t do much for the moribund continental economy.
Obama Bent On Soak The Rich Schemes
Since the recovery began, GDP growth has averaged a mere 2.3 percent a year—that’s about half what Ronald Reagan accomplished climbing out of a recession of comparable depth.
Forecasts For The Weeks Of January 19 And 26
Here are my forecasts for upcoming economic data.
Obama’s Bogus Community College Giveaway
Historically, some of the best jobs training programs have been offered by businesses through industry apprenticeship programs—most notably in manufacturing and construction.
Anti-Growth Policies Slow Jobs Creation
The economy added 252,000 jobs in December—down from 353,000 in November. With GDP growth slowing, prospects for jobless Americans are worsening.
Jobs Growth Likely To Slow
Friday the Labor Department is expected to report the economy added 245,000 jobs in December. That’s down from 321,000 in November.
Forecasts For The Weeks Of January 5 And 12
Here are my forecasts for upcoming economic data.
Stocks Remain The Ordinary Investor’s Best Bet
Even with stocks trading near record highs, equities remain the best bet for the ordinary investor. Stocks could easily jump another 25 percent before the bull market is done.
Forecasts For The Weeks Of December 29 And January 5
Here are my forecasts for upcoming economic data.
Obama Could Stifle North Korea’s Shakedown Of Sony
Now, no one should be surprised that North Korea has concluded it can destroy Sony's internal communication system, subject its employees to peril and bully all of Hollywood at its whim.
Forecasts For The Weeks Of December 22 And January 5
Peter Morici forecasts for upcoming economic data.
Economy Can Handle Higher Interest Rates
The U.S. economy can handle higher interest rates, and the Federal Reserve’s policy-making committee has signaled such a move is likely by summer.
Fed’s Credibility At Stake
Federal Reserve policymakers meet Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss when to raise interest rates and how they will communicate those intentions without upsetting financial markets or the economic recovery.
Little Pressure On Fed To Raise Rates Soon
The Jobs Report scored big Friday, reporting 321,000 new jobs for November and a strong monthly wage increase. Unfortunately, the outlook for GDP growth indicates this robust level of jobs growth is not likely to continue for long.
Dumb Policies Frustrate Benefits Of Falling Oil Prices
These conditions make U.S. exports more expensive and imports cheaper on American store shelves, and widen the U.S. trade deficit. All subtract from the benefits the U.S. economy may expect from cheaper oil imports.
Jobs Jump In November But Outlook Remains Guarded
The economy added 321,000 jobs in November—a dramatic jump from October.
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