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Canada Setting Stage For Oil Exports Beyond U.S.
Canadian Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver said his country is on the verge of becoming an energy superpower. While the United States mulls its options for energy hegemony, a recent free-trade deal with South Korea and pipeline developments suggest Canada may beat it to the punch.
This Critical Coal Event Is Back On
There's an eerie silence in the coal market right now. Trading sources like Platts are reporting that coal transactions globally have suddenly gone very quiet. At least in certain segments of the market.
Russia Eyes Crimea’s Oil And Gas Reserves
According to Reuters, Crimea may nationalize oil and gas assets within its borders belonging to Ukraine, and sell them off to Russia.
Iraq Oil Production Hits 35 Year High
Iraq produced oil at a rate of 3.62 million barrels per day in February, a 35-year high. Monthly output jumped by 530,000 bpd from a month earlier on infrastructure upgrades.
This Week In Energy: How Would LNG Get To Ukraine?
With all the talk about using US natural gas exports as a weapon to fight Russian aggression in Ukraine, no one is asking how this liquefied natural gas (LNG) would get to Ukraine (or Europe in general) in the first place.
Two Players Now Control The Oil Here
In August 2013, I wrote about opportunities shaping up for junior E&Ps in the shallow-water Gulf of Mexico Shelf (see "Junior Time in the Gulf of Mexico Shelf").
Shell's American Woes Highlight Difficulty Of Cracking Shale
Shell's new boss, Ben van Beurden, said bets on U.S. shale plays haven't worked out for his company. Its North American performance was already hit by pessimism over offshore Alaska, but its latest move shows Big Oil hasn't quite mastered how best to capitalize on the U.S. oil boom.
U.S. Oil Production Hits Highest Level In 25 Years
New data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that U.S. crude oil production is at its highest levels since 1989. December 2013 posted an impressive monthly average of 7.9 million bpd.
Mexico Will Release Seismic Data For Oil Exploration
The President of Mexico’s National Hydrocarbons Commission stated on March 12 that Mexico will release years of seismic data that will help the country attract investment in its oil sector.
An Unknown Producer Could Change This Metal
There's been a lot of talk lately about structural changes in base metals like zinc. But another, lesser-followed metal appears to be going through some more-critical shifts. Tin.
New York Manholes For Electric Car Charging
What could be easier than stopping your electric car over what looks like a manhole cover to recharge in the busy streets of New York City? This may become the rule rather than the exception as HEVO Power gets the green light to study the idea.
Protests In India Could Curtail Coal Production
Officers at India’s state-owned coal company plan to go on a three-day strike over pay, which could cut into India’s coal production. Coal India, the world’s largest coal producer, is responsible for 80% of India’s coal output.
Drilling Efficiency Continues To Climb In U.S. Shale
Oil and gas operators are continuing to improve their drilling techniques, leading to increases in total output on a per-rig basis.
Glencore Eyes Shell’s Beleaguered Nigeria Assets
Switzerland-based commodity trader and miner Glencore has expressed interest in purchasing Shell’s oil assets in Nigeria, putting the company on the shortlist of consortiums that may bid on a stake in four oil blocks.
U.S. Refiners Make Case Against Oil Exports
Record-setting levels of U.S. oil production have sparked calls from industry officials and policymakers to reverse a 1970s ban on crude oil exports. Dissent, however, is emerging from inside the U.S. oil sector itself.
Nigeria’s Missing Oil Money Sparks Political Crisis
Officially, President Jonathan suspended Central Bank Governor Lamido Sanusi in mid-February because of “financial recklessness and misconduct” and “far-reaching irregularities” at the bank, but the move is being widely interpreted as an attempt to silence a whistleblower.
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