Dr. Norman Roberts is a very successful investor who almost exclusively invests in preferred fixed-income equities. On March 2, 2016, Dr. Roberts wrote his first article as a Seeking Alpha contributor He soon became popular, although a mildly controversial contributor, rapidly building a large ...
more Dr. Norman Roberts is a very successful investor who almost exclusively invests in preferred fixed-income equities. On March 2, 2016, Dr. Roberts wrote his first article as a Seeking Alpha contributor He soon became popular, although a mildly controversial contributor, rapidly building a large base of followers, soon becoming the #1 contributor listed in Seeking Alpha's Dividend Strategy category. Consequently, based on his expertise and experience as a cumulative preferred dividend investor and the many articles he had written on the subject, Dr. Roberts published
The Art & Science of Preferred Dividend Investing. However, as a result of writing several articles during the 2016 presidential campaign, warning against the dangers of a Trump presidency, and resultant controversy the articles and follow-up comments engendered, the author was forced to quit the platform. Soured by the experience, Dr. Roberts gave up writing until he was recently bitten by the bug again, this time returning as a TalkMarkets contributor. He remains no fan of President Trump and his administration.
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Water, Abundant Yet Scarce: A Solution
Yeah, real safe, Tex:
Eleven American service members were injured in last week's Iranian missile attack on al-Asad air base in Iraq, a US military official told CNN, despite the Pentagon initially saying there were no casualties. (In case you didn't know, "casualties" doesn't always mean deaths but also military personnel wounded.) Some service members were flown to Germany to be treated and assessed, the US-led coalition fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria said. In other news out of Iran, the country's President, Hassan Rouhani, claimed Iran is enriching more uranium and its nuclear industry is thriving more now than before it signed the multinational nuclear deal in 2015. Rouhani didn't talk specifics, but it's not an easy thing to hear as a trio of remaining powers in the deal -- Germany, France and the UK -- scramble to keep it from unraveling after the recent spate of aggression between Iran and the US.
Water, Abundant Yet Scarce: A Solution
P. S. The fool doesn't even believe in climate change. How is that making us safe?
Water, Abundant Yet Scarce: A Solution
The economy is great for the super-wealthy and those who don't give a damn about the soaring debt, over a trillion more his year and counting. As for our security, his moves in the Middle East are doing anything but make us secure. He abandoned our Kurdish allies on little more than a call from Erdogan. His killing of Solaimani almost got us into a shooting war with Iran that was avoided because they had the good sense to warn our troops of the impending missile attack that would have killed all of them. He takes the word of Putin above our intelligence community. Heis move in Ukraine for political gains has not made us safe, on the contrary in works to Putin's advantage. He has weakened NATO. He wants to use our troops as mercenaries to fight for Saudi Arabia because they'll pay us, or is it him. Yeah, he made us safer by legitimizing the Rocket Man in N. Korea. What did we get for it? He gives up state secrets by using unsecured phones, especially after accusing Hillary of doing it. He's given over the Middle East to Putin and Iran by his actions in Syria. None of our allies trust us any longer. Who can trust a pathological liar? He is as dumb as a bump on a log and knows little about history or geography. India in relation to China? Where have you been? Where do you get your news, Texan? I could go on, but why bother, if you don't know any of this by now, I fear that you will never know because of your obvious ideological blindness. Hint: escape the right-wing bubble for a week and you might learn what is really happening.
Ashford Hospitality Trust From The Perspective Of A Preferred Investor
Alexis, My book should answer any questions you might ever have. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/669667
Ashford Hospitality Trust From The Perspective Of A Preferred Investor
My pleasure, Dan.
Water, Abundant Yet Scarce: A Solution
I don't think he cares about anything or anyone other than himself and his bank account. A true sociopath.
In My Opinion, The Value Of The Fail To Redeem Clause Is Greatly Overstated Part II
Thanks, Sue.
Ashford Hospitality Trust From The Perspective Of A Preferred Investor
The preferreds of $DCP, $NS. It's tough to find decent yields currently because of the inordinately high preferred prices across the boards. I recommend patience.
Ashford Hospitality Trust From The Perspective Of A Preferred Investor
Consequently, Barry, you have the numbers for which preferred is the best buy at the prices as of last night. Figure which is best currently and place your bet.
Water, Abundant Yet Scarce: A Solution
Unfortunately, our short-term thinkers appear incapable of thinking much beyond tomorrow.