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Author, Journalist & Speaker
Nomi Prins is a renowned journalist, author and speaker. Her most recent book, more


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My Financial Road Map For 2016
In the US, about 60% of 2015 defaults were in the oil and gas industry, but if oil prices stay low or drop further, more will come. Related industries will also be impacted
Mexico, Federal Reserve Policy And Danger Ahead For Emerging Markets
The World Bank and IMF award brownie points to the nations offering the most ‘financial liberalization’ or open market, privatization and foreign acquisition opportunities.
In A World Of Volatility And Artificial Liquidity For Banks, Update Your Cash Strategy
Banks, can leverage your deposits or cash, even while complying with various capital reserve requirements. That’s not new. But the expanding debates about how much of your cash you get to withdraw at any given moment, is.
Big Banks: Big Fines: Business As Usual
Last week, the Department of Justice announced that five major global banks had agreed to cop parent-level guilty pleas that rendered them all official corporate felons. The banks will pay more than $2.5 billion of criminal fines.
Four Factors Behind Rising Volatility And How To Deal With Them
Recent volatility spikes underscore the fragility of markets inhaling cheap money due to the global central bank policies. It began with the US Federal Reserve, and spread to the ECB, the Bank of Japan, and the People’s Bank of China.
Decisions: Life And Death On Wall Street By Janet M. Tavakoli: My Review
In her captivating memoir, Decisions: Life and Death on Wall Street, she takes us on a brisk journey from the depravity of 1980s Wall Street to the ramifications of the systemic recklessness that crushed the global economy.
Presidents, Bankers, The Neo-Cold War, And The World Bank
Whether it’s a $17 billion bailout package for the Ukraine. or a $270 billion one for Greece, or Obama doing a 180 on Cuba to keep Russia out, the costs of power alignments are greater than ever for the smaller, weaker countries.
The Volatility / Quantitative Easing Dance Of Doom
The reason that the artificial resuscitation of the entire global financial system has worked as long as it has is due to the major government, central banks, and powerful private bank collaboration that it has enjoyed.
The 2015 Financial Meltdown & More
This week, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Greg Hunter at USA Watchdog regarding my thoughts on the state of the global markets, economies and commodities into 2015. Here are some key points we covered.
My Holiday Book Recommendations, December 2014
Here are some of my picks for 2014's thought-provoking books from a political, financial, economic and environmental standpoint.
Steaming Mad About A Big Bank Con: Email From A Concerned Senior
Everyday I receive anguished emails from concerned citizens regarding the state of the economy, Wall Street, the political-financial system, and how their future stability is impacted by the powers that be.
QE Isn’t Dying, It’s Morphing
QE is not over. Instead, in the United States, the process has simply morphed from being predominantly executed by the Federal Reserve (Fed) to being executed by its major private bank members.
Why The Financial And Political System Failed And Stability Matters
The recent spike in global political-financial volatility that was soothed by ECB covered bond buying reveals another crack in the six-year-old throw-money-at-the-banks strategies of politicians and central bankers.
Gateway Policies: ISIS, Obama And US Financial Boots-Оn-Тhe-Ground
President Obama’s neo-Cold War is not about ideology or respect for borders. It is about money and global power.
From Voting On Scottish Independence To Taming Speculation
In a dead heat and with three days to go before the Scottish referendum on independence, most media and economist arguments are increasingly fear-driven.
The People Vs. Federal Bank Settlements And Liquidity Rules
Last week, in an interview with Bloomberg News, former Countrywide CEO, Angelo Mozilo gave the nation the middle finger. He expressed zero remorse or culpability for his very personal (and personally lucrative) role in the subprime crisis that catalyzed a global economic recession.
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