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Author, Journalist & Speaker
Nomi Prins is a renowned journalist, author and speaker. Her most recent book, more


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What Happens When Lawmakers Become Moneymakers
In 2002, I hounded Congressional legislators about the rampant corruption on Wall Street. I tried to get them to see how it could become dangerous to the economy. But they didn’t listen… because Washington was already in bed with Wall Street.
The Soaring Twenties: 10 Economic And Market Trends To Consider For 2020
A new decade has arrived! And with it, the Roaring Twenties of a century ago echo today. That’s because the past can teach us lessons.
Survival Of The Richest
The rich are only getting richer and it’s happening at a historic rate. Worse yet, over the past decade, there was an extra perk for the truly wealthy.
Wall Street, Banks, And Angry Citizens
If the global economy really is booming, as many politicians claim, why are leaders and their parties around the world continuing to get booted out of office in such a sweeping fashion?
The Entropy Wars
President Trump’s belligerence has centered around his belief that the wealthiest, most powerful nation on the planet has been victimized by the rest of the world. Now, that feeling has been extended to the Federal Reserve.
The Next Crash: Making The Fed An Instrument For Disaster
As the central bank of the United States, the “Fed” sets the financial tone for the global economy by manipulating interest rate levels. This impacts everyone, yet very few grasp the scope of its influence.
Central Bank Money Rules The World
Central bank credit that supports markets — is not just creation of the Fed, but by central banks and institutions around the world colluding together. Global markets are too deeply connected these days to consider the Fed in isolation.
Trade Wars, Gateways To Diminished Credibility And Economic Hardship
Trump’s use of tariffs as a means to control trade deficits comes after his first year in office, during which the overall U.S. trade deficit widened 12.1 percent to $566 billion, its highest level since the 2008 financial crisis.
My Financial Road Map For 2018
In last year’s roadmap, I forecast that 2017 would end with gold prices up and the dollar index down, both of which happened.
The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Worse Than The Last
Record-setting markets don’t imply economic stability, nor do 40 percent corporate tax cuts translate into 40 percent wage growth. We can march forward into 2018 carrying that knowledge with us.
A Decade Of G7 Central Bank Collusion - And Counting...
Since late 2007, the Federal Reserve has embarked on grand-scale collusion with other G-7 central banks to manufacture a massive amount of money.
Global Monetary Policy, Big Banks & Geo-Politics In The Trump Era
Even with the level of risk, we are seeing around corporate defaults today, central banks continue to buy assets, to the tune of $200 billion per month. Will this pace slow in the future?
Political-Financial Road Map For 2017
The state of economies, citizens and governments remains more precarious than ever. Major areas on the upcoming docket include – central bank desperation, corporate defaults and related job losses, economic impact of political isolationism.
The Central Bank Power Shift From West To East, Game Of Thrones Style
The Fed behaves as if it has no idea there are other powerful central banks that want to grab and harness its power.
Brazilian Politics, Players, Panama And Perpetual Motion
There is no simplifying Brazil’s political or economic situation. Anyone "certain" about the outcome is sure to get smacked in its crossfires sooner or later.
Think Brazil’s Scandals Have Nothing To Do With US Banks? Guess Again
This weekend, millions of Brazilians took to major city streets (again) to protest the hydra of corruption gushing from Petrobras, Brazil’s largest oil company and the government amidst deepening economic recession.
49 to 64 of 94 Posts