Larry Doyle | TalkMarkets | Page 4
Larry Doyle, Owner of Sense on Cents
Sense on Cents, launched in January 2009, looks to deliver an understanding of the economy, markets, and global finance to a wide audience. From people who have little to no understanding of these topics to Wall Street veterans and graduate level professors, Larry looks to deliver ...more


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Elizabeth Warren Exposes Larry Summers: The Game Is Rigged
Why is it that our nation does not have real statesmen in public service? Why is it that very real corruption and scandal — legal and otherwise — have gained a stranglehold on our political process? Why is it that an SEC attorney states at his retirement sendoff that “the system is broken?”
Sense On Cents Instant Classic: SEC Commissioner Stein Accuses Agency “Strayed From Its Mission”
“Financial institutions that are ‘too big to fail,’ combined with politicians who are too compromised to govern and regulators who are too captured and corrupted to protect, produce an incestuous cabal that is simply too big to trust.”
The Fascinating Case Of Louis And Donna Pitch V. Mark “Hollywood” Hotton And Oppenheimer And Co.
In a case that strikes at the core of so much that is wrong on Wall Street and the financial regulatory system (SEC and FINRA), Susan Antilla once again distinguishes herself by bringing real light to a regulatory arbitration system that much prefers to operate in darkness.
Chris Whalen: True Perpetrators In Michael Lewis’ Tale Of Wall Street Greed And Corruption Are Congress, SEC, FINRA, Major Exchanges
Today I am pleased to elevate author and investment banker Chris Whalen into the highest echelon of the Sense on Cents Hall of Fame.
Clinton Presidential Documents C.1998: “Who’s On First?”
Every now and then I come across a document or statement that simply stops me in my tracks. In the process of pondering the weight and importance of the embedded message, I am typically left totally aghast.
Clinton Presidential Documents On Glass-Steagall Repeal: No Good Reason For Doing This
I do not think there is any single piece of legislation in the last 50 years that has had such a profoundly detrimental impact on the American public than the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act separating commercial and investment banking.
FINRA Broker Check: Watch Your Wallet, Folks
Of all the questions facing investors these days, I would think two of the most important are: (1) with whom are you doing business? (2) how much are you paying for the investment product being pitched to you?
SEC Failures In Systems And Controls: Matter Of National Security
After the attack of 1993, Wall Street firms began implementing significant measures for disaster recovery programs and information systems controls. Against that 20 plus year backdrop, I have to admit I am bewildered if not totally dismayed this morning. Why so? Stick with me here.
James Kidney Stones The SEC: Retirement Remarks
James Kidney recently retired from the SEC. I drew attention yesterday to the fact that he skewered the commission’s culture and management on the way out the door.
Retiring SEC Lawyer Indicts Schapiro, Khuzami Et Al As Being ‘In Bed With Wall Street’
In what might only qualify as turning one’s weapon on those formerly running a defense unit, a retiring attorney in the SEC’s Enforcement Division just left the commission and went out with “guns a-blazing."
HFT Exposed: Market Is Not Fair; Little Guy Loses
Of all the questions on all the topics across all the market segments, the one that keeps being repeated by most investors — both institutional and retail alike — is the question regarding the fairness of the game.
The Stock Exchange Brothel And Regulatory Pimps
I am compelled to share a fabulous post from Wall Street on Parade that outlines the corruptible relationship and practices that lie at the core of the ongoing debate around high frequency trading.
WSJ: HFT’s Real Villains Are Financial Regulators
In what might read as a prologue for my book, none other than the Wall Street Journal writes today that the real villains in the ongoing high frequency trading debate are our financial regulators.
SEC ‘Failure To Regulate’ NYSE On HFT
The high frequency topic is a top topic recently because it is challenges our notion of free and fair markets.
FBI Investigation Of Wall Street HFT But “‘Big Boys’ Get Away With Murder”
News late yesterday that the FBI is investigating high frequency trading operations for potential securities violations including insider trading sent a shock wave through the industry.
Michael Lewis On HFT: “It’s All A Scam;” Here’s The Cause And Effect
Major props to renowned writer Michael Lewis for using his enormous platform to direct light on the scam that has come to define our equity markets under the construct of high frequency trading.
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