Video content of Larry Doyle | TalkMarkets
Larry Doyle, Owner of Sense on Cents
Sense on Cents, launched in January 2009, looks to deliver an understanding of the economy, markets, and global finance to a wide audience. From people who have little to no understanding of these topics to Wall Street veterans and graduate level professors, Larry looks to deliver ...more


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60 Minutes: “China’s Real Estate Bubble”
Would you know as asset bubble if you saw it? Well if you saw 60 Minutes last evening as I did then you saw what is certainly a bubble in the Chinese real estate market.
What’s Going On At The ‘Deutsche Bank Haus’? Video
I am hard pressed to little more than chuckle at the recently released report by the New York Federal Reserve concerning the regulatory failures at Deutsche Bank. Why so amused?
Chuck Lewis On Moyers: 935 Lies, A National Crisis Must Watch Video
How interesting that as we approach the anniversary of our nation’s independence that we find ourselves a nation in crisis.
Spent: Looking For Change (Compelling Documentary)
Are you aware that nearly 70 million Americans are underserved, that is effectively locked out, by traditional financial services companies? How about the fact that these underserved fellow Americans paid $89 billion — that’s right billion with a B — in interest and fees to manage their finances?
When Jeff Gundlach Talks, Sense On Cents Listens
When I want to know where interest rates are headed, the one individual I listen to more than any other is Doubleline’s Jeffrey Gundlach.
Bart Chilton: “Regulators Were Asleep At The Wheel”
It is not often when a regulator effectively turns on his own. I did a double take this morning while watching an interview on Bloomberg Surveillance when Bart Chilton, former commissioner at the CFTC, did just that.
Sense On Cents Instant Classic: ProPublica’s Jesse Eisinger Exposes Wall Street And Washington
The failure to protect the public interest has not only gained a strong foothold on Wall Street, in Washington, and throughout the financial regulatory system but also in the fourth estate, that being our media.
Bill Moyers On The American Oligarchy
Prior to correcting a problem, one needs to identify and expose it. That said, bringing about real change is challenging when the interests of those charged with protecting and promoting the public interest are outweighed by their personal pursuits and willingness to trade their position for payoffs.
Senator Warren Indicts Regulators ‘In Bed With Wall Street’
Senator Warren (D-MA) indicts the current scandalous practices if not outright corruption that lies at the intersection of Wall Street and Washington and provides the public’s concluding sentiment as detailed in In Bed with Wall Street.
Gary Aguirre At Notre Dame Details SEC Corruption
Instead of wasting 3 hours watching The Wolf of Wall Street, I have a much better video for you to view in less than half the time. Cronyism and corruption within the financial regulatory system has eroded the sense of trust and confidence that currently permeates our nation.
Interview With Thom Hartmann Of The Big Picture
Interview with Thom Hartmann of The Big Picture
Duke/CFO Survey: Obamacare, Economy And More
I truly appreciate the opportunity to get information and data from the ‘canaries in the coal mine’ rather than the highly biased views from many paid political or business pundits talking their position.
1 to 12 of 12 Posts