Geektime (formerly known as Newsgeek) is Israel’s largest technology news blog. Since March of 2009, Geektime has ensnared the startup and technology communities by providing them with their daily fix of news, updates, and articles on various topics in technology; quickly becoming a ...
more Geektime (formerly known as Newsgeek) is Israel’s largest technology news blog. Since March of 2009, Geektime has ensnared the startup and technology communities by providing them with their daily fix of news, updates, and articles on various topics in technology; quickly becoming a withdrawal inducing morning, afternoon and evening vice for its readers; even trumping coffee in many independent studies as the first thing tech inclined individuals must have before starting off their workday. Geektime boasts a reader base of hundreds of thousands of visitors a month. These are die-hard tech lovers who know their devices, companies and technologies – and Geektime is their trusted shady source for everything Geek. In addition to covering the technology sphere in Israel, Geektime has taken it upon itself to become a digital two-way land-bridge that connects the Israeli startup and hi-tech sectors with the rest of the world. In this respect, Geektime has cemented its role as a recognized authority by global thought leaders in the technology community (including by ourselves, a tittle we don’t divvy out lightly). Geektime is also a partner and contributor for many of Israel’s leading tech events, providing front and center media coverage of the latest and greatest coming out of the Israeli startup, IT and entrepreneurship scenes.
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