Financial Blogger/Operations Supervisor
Contributor's Links: Momentum at a Reasonble Price
David Zanoni focuses on growth & momentum stocks that are reasonably priced and likely to outperform the market over the long-term. He wants to find some hidden gems for investors and help them to make money.



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Alibaba Could Be A Big Winning Stock For The 2020s
5 years ago

What is written here is only a sample of the entire article: you have to click the link to read the entire article:

In this article: BABA
Facebook: Income Strategy For A Non-Dividend Paying Stock
8 years ago


These strategies still work for those who want to hold onto the stock for the long-term!

In this article: META
How Apple Is Valued On A Discounted Cash Flow Basis
8 years ago

Remember Apple was trading at about $133 last year. If sales of the iPhone 7 are strong enough to grow revenue again, I think the stock price could exceed $133 within the next 2 years. The sentiment for the stock became irrationally too negative in my opinion.

In this article: AAPL
One Of Prince’s Quotes Can Be Applied To Investing: Dividends And Stock Growth
9 years ago

I also wanted to point out that Prince did a great job of applying 'danger' or 'excitement' in both his style/image and his music. His style and music stood out from the rest.

AbbVie and Home Depot also stand out as strong dividend stocks with above average growth.

In this article: HD, ABBV
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