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Contributor's Links: The Aleph Blog Aleph Investments, LLC
David J. Merkel, CFA — 2010-present, I run my own equity asset management shop, called Aleph Investments. I manage separately managed stock and bond accounts for upper middle class individuals and small institutions. My minimum is $100,000. From 2008-2010, I was the more

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The Future Will Be Like The Past, Only More So
I don’t think that Warren Buffett is giving the right advice to everyone, but he has so many investments that he could be accused of talking his book every time he opens his mouth; give him a break.
What Should The Cost Of Equity Be To Value Investors?
The cost of equity is important for a number of reasons, and there are strategies and models for doing so which should be dismissed for various reasons. David Merkel instead shares his recommendation on this important calculation.
Possible Bond ETF Problems
How do you price a bond when it doesn’t trade?
Inevitable Ineffective Banking Regulation
I am mystified at why people might be outraged or surprised that the Federal Reserve does a poor job of overseeing banks. The Fed is an overstaffed bureaucracy.
AIG Was Broke
There’s a significant problem when you are a supremely big and connected financial institution: your failure will have an impact on the financial system as a whole.
Time To Chase Bill Gross?
Managing less money lets Bill Gross be more choosy.
Two Questions On Fixed Income From The Mailbag
Questions about Pimco strategy, and what's the story with Treasury rates
Volatility Can Be Risk, At Rare Times
There is a saying in the markets that volatility is not risk. In general this is true, but when overall economic conditions are serene, many people draw the conclusion that it will stay that way for a long time. That’s a mistake
Retirement – A Luxury Good
The first thing to remember is that retirement is a modern concept. That the world existed without retirement for over 5000 years may mean that it is not a necessary institution.
Redacted Version Of The September 2014 FOMC Statement
Despite lower unemployment levels, labor market conditions are still pretty punk. Much of the unemployment rate improvement comes more from discouraged workers, and part-time workers. Wage growth is weak also.
Making Systematic Risk Disappear, Not
Yesterday I was at a conference for Registered Investment Advisors. There were about 11 of us in the room, and a variety of different parties pitched us on their services. Some of the pitches were harder, most were softer.
End The “Code Of Silence”
Ethics aren't neutral; people disagree about what is right and wrong to a high degree. Even in finance, there are considerable disagreements in what is the correct behavior.
Book Review: The Little Book Of Market Wizards
Over time, I have reviewed a decent number of “Little Books.” I have a theory as to why I like some of them, and not others. I like the ones that take a relatively narrow concept and summarize it
One Less Mentioned Reason For Stock Buybacks
Buybacks are not my favorite way to redeploy excess capital, in general. But let me describe to you when they are useful and when they are not...
The FSOC Is Full Of Hot Air
If the FSOC wants to prove that they don’t know what they are doing, they should define a large life insurer to be a systemic threat.
Goes Down Double-Speed (Update 2)
This rally is getting increasingly unusual by historic standards. However, every time a record gets broken, a new limit gets made.
353 to 368 of 402 Posts
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