In an interview with CBS News on 22 July, Bill Gates said that people will probably need multiple doses of a potential coronavirus vaccine to immunize themselves from the coronavirus. If necessary, the multiple doses could require more than 7 billion vaccinations to be administered worldwide.
"None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose," Gates said.
CBS News Reporter: Will the eventual vaccine be safe?
Bill Gates: The FDA — as it stands — will be able to prevent an unsafe vaccine from going on the market.
CBS News Reporter: What about the potential side effects?
Bill Gates: The FDA, not being pressured, will look hard at that. The FDA is the gold standard of regulators, and their current guidance on this — if they stick with that — is very very appropriate.
If you have EVER HEARD a more obscure or ambiguous response to very clear questions (Fauci excepted), please let me know.
He admitted that "there will be a lot of uncertainty" about the efficacy of any vaccine, but stressed that it’s a solution "that will improve over time."
An admission which makes it even more amazing that they managed to find 30,000 people to voluntarily act as lab rats for the Moderna vaccine study that started on 27 July.
The vaccine that miraculously popped up after only seven months, when they are still after a century unable to find a vaccine for the flu.Or for the common cold – also a coronavirus…
In 2018 Fauci explained why they are unable to find a universal vaccine for the flu. Last week he told CNN that "There is a general anti-science, anti-authority, anti-vaccine feeling among some people in this country (America) – an alarmingly large percentage of people, relatively speaking."
You bet Dr. Fauci.
And those people are being gagged for wondering out loud who made Bill Gates the boss of global health and immunization? The computer guy with no medical degree.
Follow the money.
Isn’t it just an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the “CURE” for COVID-19....and that China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID, who has an office near Wuhan, with the main financial investors in UNITAID being none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO?
I know what you’re thinking!It’s just all a coincidence isn’t it!Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence, that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton.
Oh, silly me, I forgot one more coincidence, Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Coronaviruses......I sure am thankful it’s all just coincidences!Nothing to see here, just keep moving along....WOW! **No wonder Fauci slapped down hydroxychloroquine which has a 92% success rate...he was told to!! Fauci's wife also works for Gilead.*
The Best Coincidences are always indeed found when you follow the money...
Here is a link to substantiate this:
Also follow the money when it comes to the National Center for Biotechnology Information research that shows 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.
If you don’t understand what this means, it’s the stuff that sci-fi is made of, and it’s happening right now.
By the way, has anyone seen Justin Trudeau? Or is he still in hiding – sorry – staying at home "for the safety of all Canadians?"
Well, once you’ve seen Trudeau and his government’s sexual relations recommendations to use a "glory hole" rather than face-to-face contact…Man, you just can’t unsee it.
"It’s a symptom of the politicization of every layer of American life. Some conservatives balk on principle at the government ordering them to take a jab. Some are suspicious of the power of the pharmaceutical industrial complex. Others are swayed by false conspiracy theories that whip around the social media echo chamber."
– A CNN Report published on 17 July 2020 titled What if they make a Covid-19 vaccine but Americans refuse to take it?
You decide. While you still can.
There is a vaccine for the flu. It's called the flu shot and people take it every year. You should really look into some of these ridiculous statements before you publicize them and expose your own ignorance.
Then why do we need to take the shot each year?
The flu virus mutates rapidly so a new shot is needed every year.