According to a ‘survey’ conducted by sexual wellness brand Royal, 88% of adult women in the U.S. find men who wear a face mask in public during the COVID-19 pandemic sexier than those who do not.
Nothing like a mask to show off your ability to protect and provide and procreate. (The historical characteristics of masculinity).
But then, we all know history is no longer accepted in schools, museums and books anywhere – kinda like ATMs and banks in Australia’s new cashless society. And no more privacy coins either.
Even Warren Buffett is exchanging his bank stocks for gold stocks. This from a guy who said, "(Gold) gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head."
Back to the masquerade: Of course, if you DON’T wear a mask, you’re basically a selfish, self-absorbed sociopath who refuses to comply with the basic negotiation rules of life. And not to mention, a grandma killer!
Which is what I am, as my personal doctor was kind enough to point out – according to his "mental health and personality profile of people who refuse to wear masks".
Here’s some news for you ‘Doctor’ Stanley…I don’t negotiate with terrorists.
Like for example Janet Mills, governor of Maine, who has now ordered restaurant staff to wear Covid-visors like dog-cones.
What is the opposite of evolution? Sometimes I wonder.
Well for one thing, going back in time means less food. And when there’s less food, you’re going to need those hunters who have so effectively been turned into castrated snowflakes.
But don’t worry, just watch how Trump’s Magic number 33 will be taking over the food supply.
Nothing to see here, folks. No need to panic. You’re in safe hands
The only thing you can do right now is to help yourself.
In every war there are people who lose and people who profit. (Ask Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, or Bill Gates).
The secret is to follow those who refuse to become part of the masquerade, whose own success and liberty depend on getting it right. And who want to share their knowledge.
Before the pandemic I actually respected you. Now I realize you are simply an idiot. You don't negotiate with terrorists? You think covid-19 is a terrorist you can negotiate with? It doesn't care about your politics! Science masks saves lives, but oh no - you and your non-existent medical degree know better. What a moron. I'm glad this website refused to publish this trash.