Timothy Naegele Blog | Joe Biden is Trumpism’s Best Asset | TalkMarkets
Timothy D. Naegele was once counsel to the United States Senates Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He has an undergraduate degree in ...more

Joe Biden is Trumpism’s Best Asset

Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021 3:45 PM EST

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich[2], has written:

The Washington establishment still can’t comprehend the dynamic which allows former President Donald Trump to withstand constant attacks and media hits without losing his core supporters.

At this point, the key to Trump’s following is President Joe Biden.

No matter how bad Trump’s lawyers are (and yesterday’s opening presentation for Trump may be the most incompetent, amateurish, and ill prepared opening I have ever seen), Biden is worse.

No matter what the accusations against former President Trump are, his base can’t leave him because the alternative is so unacceptable to them.

This hostility to the Washington establishment was driven home to me recently when Scott Rasmussen reported on a survey in which 72 percent of the American people said “political elites believe they are superior to everyday Americans.” Rasmussen found only 11 percent disagreed and 17 percent were not certain.

This idea that the elites hold themselves above the rest of us was shared by 78 percent of men and 68 percent of women who were asked in a survey of 1,200 registered voters from Feb. 4-6. This idea also seemed to bridge the urban-rural divide. Seventy-seven percent of suburban voters, 70 percent of urban voters, and 60 percent of rural voters all agreed.

There was a larger gap between the private and public sector workforces, with 82 percent of those in private business agreeing that the elites believed themselves superior and only 63 percent of government workers concurring.

Every time Biden signs another left-wing executive order (supporting tax-funded abortion, effectively eliminating Title IX protection for women’s sports, killing tens of thousands of jobs in pursuit of a radical climate agenda)[,] Trump supporters are reminded they have no alternative.

Every time the left-wing Democrats do something crazy like abolish the words mother, father, brother, sister (and two dozen other gender-specific words) from the House Rules, people are reminded that there is no alternative.

As corruption grows ($600 million stolen in Washington State unemployment funds, an estimated $31 billion stolen in California unemployment payments)[,] Americans are reminded that the left-wing elite government Democrats are not acceptable.

When Democratic governors in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, California, and elsewhere destroy freedom of religion and establish authoritarian societal rules (which they themselves promptly break)[,] Americans are reminded that the government elites do believe they are above common citizens and the law.

As the Chinese Communists build momentum around the world – and as pro-Chinese Communists are appointed to key government positions by the Biden administration – people are reminded that there is no alternative.

Biden’s strongest ally, the teachers’ unions, have proven to be Communist China’s greatest allies. A year of non-teaching has put most American students further behind their Chinese counterparts. Years of terrible bureaucracy and incompetence have destroyed opportunity for hundreds of thousands of inner city school children. It has limited their earning capacity, their learning skills, and their ability to break out from poverty and crime-ridden neighborhoods. The emphasis on weird left-wing values and “woke” education further weakens America and tears apart the common culture which has historically made America so successful. There is a breathtaking arrogance of the teachers’ unions in refusing to reopen even after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it is healthier and better for students to be in school.

Faced with this simple choice between students and the union – between learning and hiding – President Biden has consistently sided with the teachers’ unions against science, public health, parents, and students.

As the Montgomery County, Maryland school system explained its hypocrisy in an email to parents:

“As we prepare for our return to an in-person learning experience, we anticipate a need for adults to support the supervision of students. If you know any adults with a high school diploma/GED who would be interested in monitoring students at $15.72 per hour, please encourage them to apply to be considered for the position of classroom monitor. Duties include monitoring classrooms of teachers who are providing virtual instruction to students in the building and supporting in-person teachers.”

Note that the teachers refuse to go back to work in the schools, but it seems safe enough for common, untrained parents to monitor the students in-person.

Once again, Trump supporters – and any Americans who think this is all crazy – are left with no choice.

What Washington elites don’t understand is that Trumpism is much bigger than former President Trump.

Trumpism is a broad and growing repudiation of oligarchical billionaires, giant companies censoring our lives, international companies selling out American values to make a buck in a Communist Chinese dictatorship. Trumpism is a rejection of radical social values being imposed on our children as early as 5 or 6 years of age. It is recognition that American bureaucracy [is] so incompetent a Nigerian cyber criminal gang stole $600 million from Washington State – and the incompetent official that presided over the fraud, Suzi Levine, has now been nominated by Biden for a major job at the Department of Labor overseeing $9 billion a year. (This is cronyism at its worst. She and her husband gave the Biden campaign and Democrat organizations $400,000.)

Nothing the left can say will shake the tens of millions of Americans’ belief that the elites despise them, the bureaucrats bully and cheat them, and the news media lies to them.

This is why when the mock trial of form President Trump is finished in the US Senate, President Trump will have been acquitted.

He can thank President Biden for making it easier.[3]

Lots of us began as Democrats, but will nevervote for one again.  They have veered so far to the Left that they have abandoned essentially everything that made America great.  They have become the party of the un-American racist and anti-Semite Barack Obama, who on some level has hated the United States since he was very young, growing up in Hawaii and Indonesia, and never living on the American mainland until he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles.[4]. He and his co-conspirators spent more than four years trying to destroy the candidacy and then the presidency of Donald Trump, which is treason.

Needless to say, China's Communist rulers in Beijing believe they have triumphed.  After having unleashed the Coronavirus—as a bioweapon or inadvertently[5]—they believe China's global domination is at hand, probably by the end of this decade, and that the United States is finished.[6]


© 2021, Timothy D. Naegele

[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He and his firm, Timothy D. Naegele & Associates, specialize in Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Internet Law, Litigation and other matters (see, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-20-6-30). He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commendation_Medal#Joint_Service). Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Law, and Who's Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g.www.naegele.com/whats_new.html#articles and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/articles/), and can be contacted directly at tdnaegele.associates@gmail.com

[2]  See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt_Gingrich ("Newt Gingrich")

[3]  See https://www.gingrich360.com/2021/02/president-joe-biden-is-trumpisms-best-asset/ ("President Joe Biden is Trumpism’s Best Asset")

[4]  See https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2009/12/05/is-barack-obama-a-racist/("Is Barack Obama A Racist?")

[5]  See Timothy D. Naegele, The Coronavirus and Similar Global Issues: How to Address Them, 137 BANKING L. J. 285 (June 2020) (Naegele June 2020) (Timothy D. Naegele) [NOTE: To download The Banking Law Journal article, please click on the link to the left of this note]; see also https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2010/02/06/the-silent-voices-of-stalin%E2%80%99s-soviet-holocaust-and-mao%E2%80%99s-chinese-holocaust/ (“The Silent Voices Of Stalin’s Soviet Holocaust And Mao’s Chinese Holocaust”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2020/06/20/can-we-coexist-with-asias-communists/ (“Can We Coexist with Asia’s Communists?”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2020/05/12/coexistence-with-china-or-war/ (“Coexistence With China Or War?”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2020/04/16/the-coronavirus-must-become-chinas-chernobyl-hastening-the-collapse-of-its-evil-regime/ (“The Coronavirus Must Become China’s Chernobyl, Hastening The Collapse Of Its Evil Regime”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2020/04/07/why-should-the-world-trust-china-ever-again/ (“Why Should The World Trust China Ever Again?”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2020/03/25/china-infects-the-world-then-lies-and-blames-america/ (“China Infects The World, Then Lies And Blames America”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2020/02/20/expert-warns-quarantine-process-failed-as-china-stands-ready-to-crash-world-economy/  (“Expert Warns Quarantine Process Failed, As China Stands Ready To Crash World Economy”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2019/08/13/china-is-americas-enemy-and-the-enemy-of-free-people-everywhere/ (“China Is America’s Enemy, And The Enemy Of Free People Everywhere”) and https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2011/01/13/china-is-americas-enemy-make-no-mistake-about-that/(“China Is America’s Enemy: Make No Mistake About That”) and https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8957019/China-used-secret-microwave-pulse-weapon-Indian-soldiers.html ("China 'used secret microwave pulse weapon to cook Indian soldiers alive' and force them into retreat in Himalayan border battle") 

[6]  See https://naegeleblog.wordpress.com/2021/01/13/the-day-america-died/ ("The Day America Died?")

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Alpha Stockman 4 years ago Member's comment

Quite the comment thread on this blog!

Kurt Benson 4 years ago Member's comment

Yes, the Democrats have veered to the left. But can you honestly say that Republicans have not become more extreme to the right? I and most of my friends are Republicans, but I've been shocked at how many haven't openly condemned what happened on January 6th, and have simply given Trump a full pass for what happened.

I've also been disgusted by the comments of rep Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sandy Hook was faked? QAnon? Too many in the GOP are becoming obsessed with ridiculous conspiracy theories. Please tell me you don't believe in any of that!

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Thank you, Kurt, for your comments. First, I grew up in a devoutly-Republican family; and I became a Democrat initially, because of JFK, who was a total fraud and the most despicable President in our history. I have discussed this at length, and documented it with proof, in an article about him and the comments beneath it.

Second, I believe the GOP is "brain dead," and unlikely to win in the near future without Trump. As an Independent since I left the U.S. Senate, I only voted for GOP candidates in 2016 and 2020 because of Trump. Never again..

Third, there is no excuse for the violence on Capitol Hill where I worked nonstop for three and a half years, and spent many more years. Again, as stated here, I watched more than 50 Trump rallies from beginning to end; and not once was any violence advocated. Also, the Capitol police should have instituted stronger measures to prevent any invasion of the Capitol building itself.

By the same token, lost in all of these discussions are the actions of the thugs, slugs, hoods and mongrels of "Black Lives Matter," Antifa and other far-Left groups that have burned our cities, killed or hurt innocent Americans including our police, and destroyed black and other businesses. The silence of the Democrats and RINOs is defeaning.

Angry Old Lady 4 years ago Member's comment

Have you watched this video of the riots? Can you honestly say Trump bears no responsibility?


Adam Reynolds 4 years ago Member's comment

Wow, that's quite the video! Had no idea the protestors actually erected a gallows and noose to hang Mike Pence! I've always been amazed that normal, every day people, can get so caught up in mob mentality. Every one of those people belongs in jail.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

I have not watched the videos and have no intention of doing so.

Needless to say, there are MASSIVE videos of the violence perpetrated by the thugs, slugs, hoods and mongrels of "Black Lives Matter," Antifa and other far-Left groups that burned our cities, killed or hurt innocent Americans including our police, and destroyed black and other businesses... even on Biden's Inauguration day.

Again, the silence of the Democrats and RINOs is defeaning. Not one bit of outrage. This speaks volumes.

Angry Old Lady 4 years ago Member's comment

This was the official video shown at the impeachment trial. It's quite telling when people refuse to watch it.

As for the riots over the summer, I condemned them as did everyone I know. But two wrongs don't make a riot (pun intentional). The summer violence doesn't give the Capital rioters a free pass.

And #Trump was not some BLM or antifa nut with a bullhorn. He was the freaking POTUS! He should be held to a higher standard.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

With all due respect, I have not watched the despicable non-stop actions of the thugs, slugs, hoods and mongrels of "Black Lives Matter," Antifa and other far-Left groups that burned our cities, killed or hurt innocent Americans including our police, and destroyed black and other businesses either.

I do not revel in watching violence of any kind.

And yes, the always-despicable Democrats are putting on a show trial, just as they spent more than four years trying to destroy the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump. And yes too, I began as a Democrat but will NEVER vote for one again. They are pure evil, and un-American.

Jason Green 4 years ago Member's comment

While I can certainly appreciate your not reveling in violence (kudos to that), the official video is an important part of evidence that is critical to finding out the truth (if you care to know it), and is now a part of history.

Not watching it does not deny that it happened. Perhaps if you watched it, you might change your mind about the situation.

Jason Green 4 years ago Member's comment

@[Timothy Naegele](user:4803), though we do not seem to agree on this matter. I hope you at least agree that Mr. Ultra's comments below are wrong, and that you condemn them.

Angry Old Lady 4 years ago Member's comment

Hope I'm wrong, but I would say that Tim's silence here speaks volumes.

Ultra 4 years ago Member's comment

There's many besides Timothy who agree with me. They just don't all admit it due to the cancel culture. We want to abolish term limits, eliminate the biased/fake media and reinstate Trump as the leader of our great nation until God takes him from this Earth.

Danny Straus 4 years ago Member's comment

Ultra, it's rather shocking and you and Mr. Naegele believe that a Hitler like leader would be good for America. It seems you value the very worst that Trump has to offer us.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

I believe the un-American racist and anti-Semite Barack Obama should be impeached and yes, imprisoned at the very least, for his actions (and those of his co-conspirators) over more than four years in trying to destroy the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump, which is treason.

If you have any doubts whatsoever that he is a racist, please read the following article, which is supported by direct references to his own words. See naegeleblog.wordpress.com/.../is-barack-obama-a-racist/ ("Is Barack Obama A Racist?")

Dick Kaplan 4 years ago Member's comment

The truth is, there are some on the left who would have never supported Trump no matter what.

Then there are some on the right, who won't stop supporting Trump, no matter what.

But then there are a whole lot of others who likely would have supported Trump if they weren't so horrified by the things he has said and done.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Thank you, Dick, for your comments. Yes, I understand that. I have probably watched more than 50 percent of his rallies (e.g., out of curiosity, as much as anything else, to see if he would falter), from beginning to end; and he has never once advocated violence or anything approaching it.

Years ago now, I was at a reunion of college friends; and a friend of mine's wife was there, whom I had never met before. Everything was very pleasant until I mentioned Trump, and that I had voted for him. Her mood changed instantly and dramatically; and in all of my years in politics in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, I had never experienced anything like it before. Frankly, I was stunned.

I pointed out that I was an Independent, etc., etc., but it did not phase her one iota. It was as if I was a Nazi or some other abhorrent creature.

Newt captured many of my views in his article, which is consistent with my other articles. I am interested in Trump's policies; and I have spent enough time in Washington to realize that most there have "feet of clay" personally. And yes, I began as a Democrat, but became an Independent when I left the U.S. Senate.

Lastly, a close relative of mine cannot stomach Trump's "style," but agrees with his policies, and I understand. We don't discuss him anymore. :-)

Jason Green 4 years ago Member's comment

#Trump told his supports to go to the Capital and take back their country. He said he'd go with them (he did not). He loaded a gun and points it straight at the Capital Building. And he wasn't some nut on a soap box. He was the President!

He could have ended the violence in a second if he just told the people to stop. But he didn't. He was silent for hours. Even when he finally told them to go home, he said it was a great day to remember and that he love them. The man is a maniac.

Anne Davis 4 years ago Member's comment

A lot of people agree with Trump's policies but not his rhetoric. Trump would have been a great president had he simply kept his mouth shut and never had a Twitter account.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

He's still a great President, Anne, but a very close relative of mine agrees with you. :-)

Dick Kaplan 4 years ago Member's comment

On that Timothy, I would have to disagree. Initially I supported Trump, but he never managed to prove enough fraud that would have flipped the election (certainly no more than in previous years). and regardless, he lied to his supporters, riled them up, and then pointed them to the Capital. Had he simply admitted he lost and conceded, there would never have been an attack on the Capital Building. Do you disagree?

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Again, Dick, I respectfully disagree. First, JFK, the Kennedys, the Democrats and Chicago crime boss Sam Giancana rigged the 1960 elections in Chicago and West Virginia, and stole the election from Nixon. JFK's girlfriend Susan Campbell Exner was also Giancana's girlfriend, and she acted as their "go between." Any doubts, Google her.

Second, I have zero doubts that Dems (and I began as one) rigged some of the 2020 elections. When I left the U.S. Senate, I concluded that the Democrats were "evil" but smart, while the Republicans were "Neanderthals" and dumb. The Dems were smart enough to rig key elections, and the Republicans were too stupid to stop them.

Third, if I were Trump, I would not have conceded to Biden for a nanosecond. Also, It is unlikely that Biden will finished one term as President, if that much. The Dems know this, which is why they are so determined to destroy Trump. Failing to do so, they may be destroyed; and again, they are not stupid.

Dick Kaplan 4 years ago Member's comment

Yes, but in the 1960, Nixon still conceded for the good of the country and America was better off for it. Trump should have done the same. He would have gained far more respect and likely won again in '24. And thanks to better safeguards and improved technology, the fraud that was committed for JFK could never happen today.

I had not realized you were in the US Senate. Just read your bio, am impressed. But that doesn't mean you are equipped to judge if there was fraud. Neither am I. But the courts are. Are you basing your belief that there was fraud on any actual evidence? They provided none to the courts. All we have to go on were wild claims made at the Trump/Giuliani press conferences. Have you actually read the courts proceedings? They said very different things when it court and the courts ruled there was no case.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Again, Dick, I respectfully disagree. Nixon should have fought the totally-despicable and dishonest JFK and his lackeys, but what you say is correct: he conceded "for the good of the country." In turn, this emboldened the Democrats to steal other elections; and the Republicans have been too stupid to stop them.

And respectfully, your comment that the fraud "committed for JFK could never happen today" is naive.

Next, our courts are ludicrous. With few exceptions, judges are the very worst of the legal profession. They are lawyers who could not make it in the private practice of law. Please read my article entitled, "The High-Tech Lynching Of Donald Trump." No American should have ANY respect for the "Justices" of our Supreme Court.

Dick Kaplan 4 years ago Member's comment

Perhaps I am naïve Timothy. It's possible, but I do have faith in our justice system. And I tend to believe my own eyes, and I never saw any evidence of massive fraud. And it would take massive fraud to have changed this election. Trump lost by quite a lot.

I had to search for the article you referenced, but I found it and will check it out. I'll add the link for anyone else who may have been interested:


Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

With all due respect, Dick, you are naive to have faith in our justice system, or in our Congress.

Next, the voting irregularities were enough, if proven, to turn the election. But the largely Democrat-controlled courts, and incompetent election officials (including Republicans), and the ludicrous "Justices" of our Supreme Court refused to address the issues.

Lastly, I apologize for not including links to two articles, about JFK and our wretched Supreme Court "Justices." See naegeleblog.wordpress.com/.../john-f-kennedy-the-most-despicable-president-in-american-history/ ("John F. Kennedy: The Most Despicable President In American History") (see also the extensive comments beneath the article) and naegeleblog.wordpress.com/.../the-high-tech-lynching-of-donald-trump/ ("The High-Tech Lynching Of Donald Trump")

Dan Richards 4 years ago Member's comment

The Dominion story was a good one and one I wanted to believe, but it was just a story. If there was any real evidence, the Dominion executives would all be in jail. Not to mention, they sued Fox News and NewsMax and those companies had to retract their stories against Dominion. If they had any evidence, they would have fought it.


I voted for Trump and am sorry he lost and I would vote for him again. But I don't understand why so many people can't admit he lost. Is it really so hard to believe? He's not exactly a likable guy. In fact, he's the kind of guy people love to hate. But he does what needs doing and doesn't care what others think.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Dan, I respectfully disagree. My guess is that Dominion is guilty as sin. But since Trump lost, they are suing anyone and everyone who attributed voting irregularities to their company and its machines. This is smart, because otherwise their business might go down the drain, overnight.

Also, please never forget that filing one or more lawsuits means essentially nothing. Years of discovery (e.g., depositions), motions, trials and appeals will likely take place before they recover one thin dime, if ever. It is a P.R. effort/stunt by Dominion... and perhaps its Chinese backers.

Dan Richards 4 years ago Member's comment

So why did Fox and NewsMax retract their statements that Dominion machines were rigged? If they believed it, they should have fought for their editorial integrity. But even Tucker Carlson admitted, that as much as he wanted to believe there was fraud, he could find none and no evidence was provided to him from the Giuliani team. For me, that's when my eyes were finally opened. This was all one big lie.

Sounds like your eyes are still closed. But we'll believe what we believe. Truth be told, ignorance really is bliss... I was happier before I realized the truth.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Dan, both Fox News and Tucker went over to the "Dark Side" long ago, and are not worth watching anymore. And yes, it has been years since many of us watched anything on CNN, MSNBC or PBS (except nature shows, and English films).

The uber-Liberal Murdochs have "polluted" Fox, with their latest despicable act being the firing of Lou Hobbs. They are apt to pay dearly for their actions. Do they honestly think any of the CNN watchers or the "fans" of other FAKE NEWS outlets will come over to Fox? If so, they are pathetically stupid.

Dan Richards 4 years ago Member's comment

Fox was always my go to news site. I hadn't watched CNN in years since I felt their biases seeped into their reporting and did not give a balanced view. But I've come to realize that both sides do this. Unbiased journalism is dead.

Dan Richards 4 years ago Member's comment

Also curious to know what @[DRM](user:130312) thinks about all this. We've seen eye to eye on most issues here, but not sure what his current thinking is.

Ultra 4 years ago Member's comment

Personally, I don't care if there really was fraud or not. If that's what gets people angry enough to take action, then yeah, there was fraud. If the rioters had to string up a few GOP members to make sure the rest stayed in line and does what Trump tells them to, that would have been fine too. I guarantee Pence would have done what needed to be done, had they managed to get their hands on him and walk him up to that noose they hung outside. He's a traitor to America and deserves what he gets (not saying they should have killed him, just scare the piss out of the guy)!

Does that mean we're bending the rules a bit for the good of America? So what? The survival of our nation is at stake! Biden will turn America socialist and I have no interest in living in China - Timmy and I are of one mind here.

Trump in 2024, 2028, and beyond!

Jason Green 4 years ago Member's comment

"2024, 2028, and beyond." When I hear things like this from #Trump cultists, it gives me chills and reminds me that #Hitler had once been democratically elected too.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

With all due respect, Jason, do you honestly think that the Democrats are any different? After all, their thugs, slugs, hoods and mongrels of "Black Lives Matter," Antifa and other far-Left groups burned our cities, killed or hurt innocent Americans including our police, and destroyed black and other businesses. And again, they did this even on Joe Biden's Inauguration day.

Where is the condemnation of any of them from the Democrats or the RINOs? These thugs are the modern-day equivalent of Hitler's and Mussolini's thugs. If anyone denies this, they are pathetically naive and uneducated.

Ultra 4 years ago Member's comment

Jason Green, why is it that you Trump haters always feel a need to compare Trump to Hitler? Last I checked, Trump killed no one. And Hitler wasn't all bad, he did great things for Germany. He put Germany first, just like Trump put America first. Sure, the genocide was bad, but that's all people remember.

If Trump could have taken total control the way Hitler did, we'd all be better off. The damn Democrats and the "fake news" media wouldn't be able to get in the way.

Dick Kaplan 4 years ago Member's comment

@[Ultra](user:74841), while I know everyone is welcome at TalkMarkets, your views sound quite extreme and very undemocratic. The attack on the Capital Building is not at all what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wanted to overthrow tyranny for democracy. And though Hitler may have been democratically elected, please do not kid yourself into thinking he was anything but a fascist.

On a different thread, @[Jason Goldfischer](user:137878) gave a good history lesson on Hitler's tactics and rise to power, which unfortunately I was unable to locate at the moment. But perhaps he can properly school you.

Angry Old Lady 4 years ago Member's comment

Ultra, I think you sound a tad insane. These are dangerous comments.

Ultra 4 years ago Member's comment

No @[Angry Old Lady](user:7657), I sound like a proud patriot. If people like you were around in the 1700's, we'd still be an English commonwealth. Sometimes freedom can only be bought with blood. The English viewed us as traitors, but every American born child knows that the Revolutionary War was fought by heroes. The Capital attack was no different. Did Trump really win? I don't know and I don't care. But I know he is essential to ensure that America is great again.

I know one thing for sure, if the Democrats hadn't made up the Covid hoax, Trump would have won by such a large landslide, there wouldn't be enough fraud in the world to flip the election for Biden. The Dems were in cahoots with China from the beginning with one goal - get rid of Trump!

Angry Old Lady 4 years ago Member's comment

Ultra, such statements are not even worth responding too.

Texan Hunter 4 years ago Member's comment

I would have to reluctantly agree with you. I am a Trump supporter through and through for exactly the reasons Mr. Naegele laid out. No matter what Trump's shortcomings are (and I'd be a liar if I said he had none), I believe that Biden is even worse for America.

That being said, I do felt lied to. I believed him with all of his Dominion conspiracy stories, and his tales of massive, widescale fraud. And none of it ended up being true. I almost went to the Capital myself. I still wish Trump had won, but I now believe he knew what he was doing. He was trying to overthrow the election. That being said, I'll vote for him again in 2024. Only he can make American Great Again!

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Texas Hunter, I agree... except I respectfully disagree about Trump's "tales of massive, widescale fraud" being untrue. The culprits in all of this are the despicable "Justices" of our Supreme Court, as I have pointed out in my December article here entitled, "The High-Tech Lynching Of Donald Trump." And no, I do not believe Trump was "trying to overthrow the election."

Lastly, Americans will pay a terrible price for the Biden presidency; and China's gains may be staggering, and quite possibly non-reversible.

Texan Hunter 4 years ago Member's comment

So you think the very Judges that Trump appointed were part of the conspiracy to make Trump lose the election and hide the fraud? I believe you are falling down the rabbit hole my friend.

Trump is a great president, but he'll do what ever it takes to win (one of the reasons I like him), even lie. The world is a dangerous place and we need a president who's willing to get down in the mud and get just as dirty as some of our enemies. But our fellow Americans are not the enemy. And Trump keeps forgetting that.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

Texas Hunter, again, judges of all political persuasions are the worst of the legal profession, with few exceptions. As I wrote in an article that was published in Europe some years ago, "Justice And The Law Do Not Mix" (see www.naegele.com/.../...usticeAndTheLawDoNotMix.pdf):

Judges are "often egotistical, callous, mean-spirited, power-hungry, self-righteous, condescending and, yes, incompetent and arrogant. They can smile at you, just as easily as they can slit your throat and never think twice about doing it."

I agree with your last paragraph, except for your last sentence.

Texan Hunter 4 years ago Member's comment

Really? You think your fellow Americans are the enemy? That's what's wrong with America these days. We are too divided and people treat each other like dirt... Civility is gone. Why can't people disagree while still maintaining a gentleman's respect for each other.

What we really need is a war to unite the American people again! Personally I vote for Iran or China. That will never happen with Biden though. We will kowtow to them like we did under Obama.

Timothy Naegele 4 years ago Author's comment

See also naegeleblog.wordpress.com/.../joe-biden-is-trumpisms-best-asset/ ("Joe Biden is Trumpism’s Best Asset")