Trusted Advisor
Contributor's Links: International eChem The pH Report
Paul Hodges is a trusted advisor to many of the world's leading investors and companies. He publishes The pH Report, which focuses on the impact of the Great Unwinding of policymaker stimulus on world markets. Paul serves as a Global ...more



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Reshoring Set To Create Winners And Losers As Advanced Manufacturing Takes Over
4 years ago

Thanks, for the comment Isaac I see reshoring as providing a major opportunity to rethink both design and operation, with the aim of finally moving away from traditional batch processes to adopt digital, continuous and bio-enabled technology to create a safer, greener, faster, cheaper and more flexible

manufacturing footprint. I go into more detail in this analysis

China’s Lockdown Makes Global Debt Crisis Now Almost Certain
5 years ago

Thanks for the thought. I think it's difficult for all sorts of reasons to simply hand out money on the scale and timescale required.

Your A To Z Guide To The Brexit Trade Negotiations
5 years ago

Agreed. After 3 years, only the "easy part" of leaving has been done. The real hard work of "getting Brexit done" and replacing all the relationships built up over 47 years has yet to begin.

Markets Face Major Paradigm Shifts As Recession Approaches
5 years ago

Gary that's exactly my point. China and Europe are set to dominate the global market. Trucks/vans/public vehicles will be the early adopters in the US now that the total cost of ownership is starting to fall below that of conventional engines. They have set routes each day, and can easily recharge in the depot overnight. Consumers will be much later.

The Global Economy’s Best Leading Indicator Forecasts A Downturn
8 years ago

The link above for the IMF data seems to have broken, so I am adding it here

Political Risk Rises As Trump Sets Out To Change America’s Relationship With The World
8 years ago

It seems the links to the 2 videos were somehow removed in the editing process, so here they are:

Click here for Kennedy

Click here for Reagan

Today’s New Normal World – The Challenge Of The 100-Year Life
8 years ago

Trump unfortunately shares Obama's myopia about the economic impact of America's aging Boomers on the economy. Its much easier for him to suggest everything can be resolved via a trade war with China, just as Obama found it easier to argue that monetary policy was the solution.

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