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Contributor's Links: Net Zero Watch
Net Zero Watch is highlighting and discussing the serious implications of expensive and poorly considered climate change policies. Net Zero Watch will scrutinise policies, establish what they really cost, determine who will have to pay, and explore affordable alternatives. Increasingly ...more


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Drill, Europe, Drill... Or Sink!
Europe must exploit its fossil fuel resources or face economic relegation to second world status.
What The UK Should (But Will Not) Do To Address The Energy Crisis
The United Kingdom, alongside much of Europe, now faces the worst energy crisis in living memory, perhaps the worst in the historical record.
Britain Facing A National Security Crisis Over Energy
From a national security perspective, the urgent need is for immediate policy changes that significantly and swiftly increase reliable domestic sources of energy, which means gas and coal, without which the grid and the economy cannot function.
UK Government Must Decide: Save The Economy Or Save Net Zero
Prime Minister Liz Truss must choose between astronomical borrowing and reducing energy costs.
UK Government’s Green Energy Policy Is A “National Disaster”
Britain’s struggling energy consumers are likely to end up paying a billion pounds extra for Hornsea’s electricity over the next 12 months.
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