Michele Schneider - Comments
Director of Education and Research at MarketGauge.com
Contributor's Links: MarketGauge
Michele "Mish" Schneider is the Director of Trading Education & Research for MarketGauge. She provides in-depth trader training as the market analyst, writer and host of Mish's Market Minute, contributes to several online trading publications and ...more
Latest Comments
Are The Central Banks Playing With The Devil?
5 years ago

Thank you Barry-that's so wonderful to see!!

A Focus On Our Moody Sister Semiconductors
6 years ago

Look at her today-back to her wonder woman self!

In this article: SMH
Market Snoozes, But Keep Your Tools Close By
6 years ago

In the scenario you present as a strong possibility, I totally agree-thanks for writing!

Want To See What A Perfect Retracement Looks Like?
6 years ago

All around the Fed has to be worried-what to do with rates, could we spark inflation, is the economy really robust or is it too overheated and ripe for a slowdown? I would not want to be Powell..

In this article: IYT, XRT
Does This Look Bullish To You?
6 years ago

Brilliant misinterpretation my friend.

In this article: IWM, IYT, XRT, IBB, KRE, SMH
Want To See What A Rally Into Resistance Looks Like?
6 years ago

Thank you very much for saying so!

In this article: IBB, QQQ, IWM, IYT, KRE, SMH, SPY
Can The Bulls Count On Corporate Suits?
6 years ago

Thank you Ayelet!!

In this article: IBB, QQQ, IYM, IYT, SMH, SPY, TLT, UUP, XRT
Are The Metals Rising From The Grave?
6 years ago

Thank you Tiffany!

Has Netflix Out-Binge-Watched Itself?
6 years ago

The chart is sized by talkmarkets-I will see if they can enlarge them next time I post one. Thanks so much for reading my commentary!

In this article: NFLX
1 to 10 of 33 comments