Joseph Harry | TalkMarkets | Page 1
I write to transfer all the investment ideas and concepts cluttered in my head onto (digital) paper. This helps me evaluate them with more clarity, while also subjecting them to public scrutiny. I'm also currently a CFA candidate. I passed the level 1 exam in June 2015.

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Looking For Ways To Squeeze More Yield Out Of Your Cash Pile? Me Too
Markets are likely overvalued. Cash isn't always trash. High-yield savings accounts could provide a solution for getting more out of a cash pile.
Visa And Mastercard - Same Business, Different Results
Despite nearly identical business models (and similar tax rates and interest burdens), the difference between the two companies can immediately be felt when examining their respective returns on equity.
Ross: The Bargain Store Becomes A Bargain
Ross Stores has been battered with the rest of the retail sector, but it's a superior operation and (judging by past business cycles) relatively recession resistant. Valuations now look attractive.
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