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Owner, Market Trend Signals
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Work with us and become a successful investor. Our model analyzes long term historical market price behavior for any ETF or stock , identifies the market trend with all major tops and bottoms, and determines the optimal price change that warrants some action near those tops or bottoms (getting in ...more


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Where The Current Market Stands Now
Although QQQ is currently still below the buy signal point, it should be interpreted as a hold signal (stay invested if you purchased QQQ in 2009) but there is no new buying signal for now.
Time To Buy Dow Jones Internet Index Fund
Currently, after a recent substantial decline (triggered by the market rotation out of technical companies) there is an opportunity for buying FDN at a reduced price.
Intermediate-Term Market Trend
Determining the intermediate-term Market Trend and the corresponding entry/exit points. Intermediate-term investing/trading captures potential gains while the price oscillates between the upper and lower bands of the trend.
Statistically Determining Market Trend, Entry And Exit Points
Analyzing the market based on its historical behavior.
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