Herbert Blank | TalkMarkets | Page 1
Senior Quantitative Analyst and Consultant
Herb Blank is a senior quantitative analyst at ValuEngine and senior consultant and practice leader in the Global Finesse Product Strategy and Implementations Consulting Practice. He has more than 40 years of experience in financial product innovation and quantitative analysis. Recognized as a ...more


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Russell 2000 Small Cap Rebalancing Post-Mortem
The Russell 2000 index established small cap as an asset class. It just complete its annual reconstitution, an event monitored by many institutional investors, hedge funds and proprietary traders. This article analyzes the event.
Midcap Tech - What Lies Beneath
The concentration at the top of the heap in tech has scared investors.
T + 1 Now A Reality But Why Should I Care?
T + 1 cut the clearing and settlement window by 50%. It has implications for all security owners and added significance for ETFs holders.
A Not-So-Brief History Of Quantitative Investing Since 1900
The vast preponderance of assets remains in ETFs managed through quantitative investment modeling and dominated by index funds in particular.
The Terrible Ten
Many strategists recommend equal weighting over cap-weighting, claiming that over time, equal weighting always outperforms.
Will 2024 See A Regime Shift To Value And Small Cap Or Will It Be Just More Of The Same?
Unlike at this time last year, most equity market strategists are not bearish. Instead, they are looking for a rotation away from overbought large-cap tech and growth stocks to value and small-cap. They looked for that going into 2019-2021 too.
Searching For The Next Generation Magnificent Seven
Given the Magnificent Seven great run-ups, the growth potential is well known and so is the susceptibility to crash. Investors might wish to identify the Magnificent Seven of the future
How Smart Has “Smart Beta” Been Lately?
Smart Beta focuses on market factors that had superior risk-adjusted performance historically, These factors performed in reverse during the past 5 years.
September Seasonality Struck Again In 2023
September seasonality struck again in 2023 torpedoing what had been a modestly positive 3rd quarter.
Combining Cyber-Analysis And ValuEngine Model Forecasts For E-Commerce Companies
This week's focus is on e-Commerce companies, firms that derive most of their revenues from web-based commerce. We get input from Brand Loyalties, a provider of cyber-based investment signals, then look at the top 5 through a ValuEngine lens.
Case Study Of A Ten-Year Actively Managed ETF
Cambria Advisors' Shareholder Yield ETF just celebrated its tenth anniversary as an actively managed midcap value fund.
Will SOXX Stocks Keep Dancing Or Is Now The Time To Cut Out?
Artificial Intelligence related stocks led the way so robustly in the first half with Nvidia leading the way. Is the bubble about to burst? Not so fast.
2023 Midyear Review Of Index ETFs And Smart Beta Strategies & A Tribute To Harry Markowitz
A review and analysis of the first 6 months of 2023 using benchmark ETFs, Sector ETFs, and Smart Beta ETFs and what is likely to follow next.
Expert Stock-Selection ETFs
Index funds are fine for bull markets but in volatile-to-down markets, active outperforms. Myth? SPIVA (S&P vs. Global) research says it is. Analysis of expert stock selection ETFs indicates fund structure was the prime culprit.
The Many Dimensions Of Technology ETFs And The Stocks They Hold
QQQ, rose 31% year-to-date heading into the Memorial Day weekend.  Van Eck’s Semiconductor ETF, SMH, recording a 45% YTD return,was even stronger. NVDA led the surge as the go-to provider to the giants in the AI race. What's next?
Ill-Defined Outcomes: Results Of A Research Study On Downside Mitigation ETFs
2022 provided a litmus test for ETFs designed to shield Investors from the full impact of a major stock market decline. 
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