FerdiS - Comments
Dividend Growth Investor
Contributor's Links: DivGro-2.0 DivGro
I invest in stocks and options. I manage DivGro, a portfolio of dividend growth stocks created in January 2013. The primary goal of DivGro is to generate a reliable and growing dividend income stream. I sell options to boost my income stream, both covered calls and secured puts. My blog hosts a ...more
Latest Comments
Starbucks Dividend Increase
2 months ago
The first sentence should read: "On 23 October, Starbucks (SBUX) increased its quarterly dividend by 7.02%, from 57¢ to 61¢ per share."
In this article: SBUX
Why Invest In Low Dividend Yield Stocks?
10 months ago

I'm certainly restoring the balance between HiG and HiY stocks in my portfolio. Of course, I also own stocks that offer both yield and growth, like ABBV.

Covid-19 Dividend Cuts
4 years ago

Agreed. Add to that many "shared experience industries" -- restaurants, theaters, shows, theme parks, concerts, festivals, conferences, etc. etc. Any "comeback" will be muted by reduced attendance (enforced or by choice).

Covid-19 Dividend Cuts
4 years ago

You're welcome! Thanks for commenting!

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